Chapter 15 Rock Bottom Already?!?

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Amelia was a few steps away from Arne when a man approached her.
"Thank you for helping us raid and capture this village" he says smiling at her.
"Raid?!?" Arne says in disbelief.
"We continue our war path east if you would like yo join us" he offers. Amelia smirks and locks eyes with Arne, "I don't know, how do you feel about continuing to kill and massacre innocent people?" She asks him. Arne stands up quietly, a single tear falling from his eyes as he pushed past them and continues into the forest.
"I'll take that as a no" she says smiling sweetly to the soldier before following Arne.

Arne ran through the forests back to camp. 'How could I? Why is everything I do wrong?' The images of him slicing through women and children burned in his mind. 'I.. I'm a monster' he thinks as he finally reaches the campsite. Rummaging through some bags he finds some strong rope. Tying it into a noose he throws the rope over a branch. Finding the thickest log he pulls it under the rope so he could have some foot. His shakey hands grab the rope and pull the loop over his head, tightening it around his neck. 'I don't deserve to live' he thinks, feet hanging off the edge of the log. He tipped forward as he took a step off the log, before the rope could snap his neck Amelia's dagger flew threw the air and cut the rope dropping Arne to the ground.
"Why?" He cried out.
"What are you doing? You're really just going to give up just like that?" Amelia asked flabbergasted, the fact that he was so easy to crush made her sick to her stomach.
"Your so weak" Amelia mumbled looking down at him.
"I don't deserve to live, I've done nothing but cause tragedies!" Arne said, curled up in a ball on the ground. Amelia walked over to him, grabbed his chest piece, held him up and slapped him hard across the face.
"You call yourself a hero? Get ahold of yourself" she yelled at him.
"Stop calling me that! I already said I wasn't a hero" Arne pushed Amelia away from him and scrambled to his feet.
"Your father would be so disappointed in you" Amelia spat at him.
"Don't talk about my father like you knew him! I'm already a disappointment in his eyes!" Arne turned away from her, tears cascading down his face.
"Your not a hero, your barely an excuse for a man" Amelia could see she was riling him up.
"And look whose talking!" Arne yelled turning towards her and getting in her face, "your a blood sucker! A leech to all humanity!" He yelled. Amelia took a step back in shock, "how did you know?".
"I saw you in the village! Why are you playing this act when you are a strong creature with so much power. People would kill to have that power"
"This power is a curse not a blessing. It was forced onto me, not chosen. I hide it because it plagues my very existence!" Amelia held back tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. Arne fell to his knees in front of her, "change me... please..." he begged. Amelia looked down at him in shock and disgust.
"You would trade your morals? Your values? Your humanity for power?" She gasped.
"Yes please" the grovelling did not suite him. Anger filled every vain in Amelia as she watched him beg for the one thing she never wanted, he didn't understand how terrible it was.
"You really are giving up?" she asked him quietly.
"Yes..." he said softly looking up at her with his tear streaked face.
"Then i am done here" Amelia says turning away from him.
"Wait! Why are you leaving now? Why not when I was doing horrendous things?" He asked confused.
"My quest is to find a hero. A hero that no matter how many times he gets beat down, he picks himself up after" she says turning on her heel to face him. "Everyone makes mistakes, it's how we learn. It's how we train our instincts to be right. You are no hero, life has been tough so you give up. I thought I was witnessing a great hero who will once again rise up to greatness after being defeated. You are just a pitiful excuse for a man so now that you have given up i will leave. I have no interest sitting watching you wallow in your self pity. I'm off to find a real hero to learn off of, to be better then what I am cursed to be" she said, her voice dripping with anger.  Amelia left Arne kneeling in the dirt watching where she had left. 'She's gone...' he thought collapsing to the ground. Putting his arms around himself he laid in the dirt crying, for now he was not only a monster but truly alone.

Amelia always stayed close and watched him. She watched him wallow in sadness, unmoving from the camp until one day he wiped the tears from his face and continued his journey. With interest she followed him closely, not knowing where he was going but curious as to where he would end up. She still needed to keep him alive as per her masters wishes but not happy. He needed to stay in this state for as long as possible. Scouting ahead she saw the direction he was headed to, A den of Dionysus. Amelia flinched when she saw this, it reeked of sec and drugs, reminding her of her mother.
"Oh gods this is were you bring him?" She asked to no one in particular. Sitting high in a tree that overlooked the den she debated with herself. This is where people come to lose themselves, this would be a great place for him to die but a small part of her felt guilty because she had seen what it had done to her mother.

Arne had stumbled upon the front door to be greeted by two beautiful women.
"Oh good sir you look like you could use a drink, come inside" they said, each linking arms with him as they escorted him inside.

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