Chapter 28 Raven

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Amelia woke up early and decided today she was going to work the lands. Beside her house she made a little garden. Seeded with all the best fruits and veggies. It was late afternoon by the time Arne had come back. Amelia walked out from the garden and wiped the sweet from her brow.
"Good your back. We have an important quest" she started but stopped when she noticed Arne's hair. What used to hang down to his shoulders was now messily spray across the top of his head as if he just now rolled out of bed.
"There is no time! I have an even more important quest!" Arne said rushing into his house.
"Oh?" Amelia asked, she had left the ball early and wondered if maybe one of the dukes had given him a job.
"Yes I must search for and wide for a missing woman" Arne said as he strapped his armor to himself.
"A woman?" Amelia asked, leaning against the wall with her eyebrow raised.
"The most beautiful woman in all the lands" Arne said with a huge grin on his face. Amelia rolled her eyes, 'stupid mortals and their quests for love' she thought as Arne got up and grabbed his sword.
"And when I find her we will be wed" He said grinning like an Idiot. For some reason a knot formed in the pit of Amelia's stomach.
"Wed?" Amelia repeated as though she had not heard him correctly.
"Yes! We must go!" Arne said bounding from the house to his horse.
"Okay..." Amelia said slowly, following him.

Amelia and Arne went from town to town searching for this mysterious girl.
"So tell me about this girl" Amelia said trying to make conversation.
"Oh she has the sweetest smile, the kindest eyes and the love in her heart... my god" Arne gushed like a school girl. Amelia scowled and rolled her eyes, "sounds like a princess".
"A goddess" Arne corrected her making her want to gag.
"Gross" she said shaking her head.
"Look just because she is the complete opposite of you doesn't make her gross. Your just a troll" Arne said glaring at her angrily.
"I may be a troll but at least I won't suffocate people with the color pink. I bet her whole house is pink" Amelia said, she could feel herself getting nauseas just from the thought.
"Joke all you want but I don't care. She could have everything pink. I would change the grass to pink just for her" Arne heard Amelia gag after he said that but he did not care, he was a fool in love.

Town after town and no sign if her anywhere.
"Are you ready to give up?" Amelia asked, exhausted. Arne had barely let them rest in fear that she was waiting in the next town over, he was wrong but his dreams burned with a passion.
"Never, she was at the ball so she must live in this kingdom.
A raven flew over head that caught Arne's eyes. He smiled widely as he watched it fly into the town they were headed in.
"This town! This is the town! I just know it!" Arne said excitedly as he kicked his horse and took off in a full run.
"What an idiot" Amelia said, whipping the ropes so her horse would follow.

Arne jumped off his horse in the middle of town and looked around. The people around him gave him such weird looks as they watched him flutter about looking for some one. He stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes landed on a woman with fiery red hair, wildly curled around her shoulders. Nervous he fixed his armor so it hung perfectly on his body.
"Excuse me" he said softly from behind her. When she turned around Arne gasped as he looked up into her soft blue eyes.
"Hello" she said smiling sweetly. Amelia took the reigns of Arne's horse and tied their horses to a pole.
"Fucking Idiot leaving your horse to roam around" she mumbled as she tied them up. Turning around she saw Arne kneeling in front of a woman.
"My love it's you!" He said grabbing the woman's hand and placing a gentle kiss.
"What?" She asked him shocked.
"It's me from the ball" Arne said looking up at her hopefully.
"So.. fate has brought us together... I can't believe it's you" the woman gasped, falling into Arne's arms and hugging him tightly.
"I knew I would find you" he cried holding her close to him. Amelia put her hand to her mouth to stop the involuntary gag she got from witnessing this sickly cute moment.
"Please.. tell me your name" Arne asked, caressing her face.
"Raven, what is yours" she asked smiling sweetly at him. Arne felt like he could melt under her stare.
"Arne" he said then kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss. Amelia coughed, bringing Arne out of his thought. He broke the kiss and stood up with raven. He got down on one knee in front of her and produced a ring. 'When did he get that?' Amelia thought as she eyes the massive diamond ring.
"Marry me. I wish to never have to spend another day apart from you" Arne asked looking up at her with anticipation.
"Of course I will my love" Raven said as she kissed him gently on the lips before putting the ring on her finger. 'Oh great, another annoyance' Amelia thought rolling her eyes.

The three rode back to the settlement. Raven say in Arne's lap while he rode the horse back, he wanted to make sure Raven was comfortable. Finally they rode up to the settlement.
"This is home" Arne said helping Raven off the seat.
"Oh look" Raven said walking over to the gardens, "I love gardening" she gushed.
"It is yours then my love" Arne said, hugging her from behind.
"Hey that's m..." Amelia started but Arne shot her a death glare.
"Fine... whatever" Amelia said, throwing her hands up in defeat and walking inside her house.
"Stupid princess.." Amelia mumbled angrily.

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