Chapter 35 Arne's death

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"Where are you going" Lord Marcus asked sneaking up behind Amelia.
"Hunting" Amelia said turning around on her heel in surprise.
"Good then let's go together" The lord smiling at her wickedly. For the days she has been back he hasn't let Amelia out if his sights. She thought she had finally shook him but he was harder to shake then she thought.
"Okay" Amelia said smiling fakely at him. The lord held his arm out for Amelia to take before he walked them outside. The crisp air was slightly chilly but Amelia liked the town as they walked through town looking for anyone who wasn't passed out in a ditch.
"Such scum in this village" Marcus said with a scowl.
"Well maybe we should clean it up. Start cracking down and cleaning them up" Amelia said with a shrug.
"And stop taking all their coins? I don't think so" Lord Marcus said with a smirk. Amelia halted in her track and looked at him with a shocked expression.
"What? Your not saying...." Amelia gasped.
"Why yes, I am their dealer. I'm the one who has been giving them what they crave. How do you think I got so rich?" So he was the reason for it all. He was the reason her mom got hooked on drugs. He was the reason she had to raise her brother and get bullied by her. He was the reason why her brothers felt like there was only one way to escape this place.
"Everything is your fault" Amelia said slowly.
"More then you know"
"What do you mean?" Amelia said taking a step back.
"I mean if it weren't for me flaunting my wealth in front of them I bet they wouldn't have come to rob me in the first place" Amelia gasped.
"Why?" She finally asked after the shock had worn off. Lord Marcus thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulder, "I don't know. I was bored"
"You were bored? You specifically ruined my life because you were bored?" Amelia yelled, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"Ruined? I gave you power! I took you away from your abusive mother! I gave you food! I clothed you and taught you skills. You will never want for anything! And yet you still stand here and say I ruined your life you ungrateful child!" Lord Marcus yelled winding his hand back to slap her across the face but a sword ripping through his chest distracted him.
"What the fuck" The Lord yelled turning around to see a man who looked like Arne but older.
"Arne?" Amelia gasped. Lord Marcus grabbed him by the throat and lifted him into the air. Arne's father gripped Marcus's hand to try pry his fingers off his throat.
"Let go of him!" Amelia yelled, grabbing Lord Marcus's arm and trying to pull it away.
"Step back, now" The Lord commanded, Amelia tried to fight the collar but Arne's father kicked her away from them.
"Amelia!" Arne yelled running out of a store.
"Arne!" Amelia cried out running to him. He picked her up in his arms and spun her around.
"I'm so sorry" Arne said holding her close to him.
"I am too"
"How cute. What a reunion" Lord Marcus said throwing Arne's father to the ground and turning towards them. Arne broke the hug and shoved Amelia behind him taking his sword out and pointing it towards him.
"You think your pity weapons will work against me?" Lord Marcus laughed, grabbing his sword by the blade, it cut his hand but Marcus showed no ounce of pain as he moved his sword to the side. Arne struggled to keep his sword up but the Lord was more powerful. A yell came from behind the Lord as a sword ripped through his stomach, Arne's father stood behind him smirking.
"Kill Arne" Lord Marcus commanded before turning his attention to Arne's father.
"No.." Amelia said as she felt the collar around her neck tighten.
"Amelia!" Arne cried out as he ran to her side, he tried to use his fingers to pry the collar from her neck but nothing worked. Amelia's face turned red as she fell to the ground, she couldn't kill the man she loved but right now she had something mire precious to protect. His child that grew in her stomach. The sound of the Lord and Arne's father fighting echoed throughout the air as Amelia struggled to breathe.
"I'm... sorry.." Amelia said through gasps of breathe as she grabbed her dagger.
"I know" Arne said smiling down at her, he didn't even tried to fight her because he knew in his heart he couldn't kill her. The blade of the dagger slashed into his side as the collar loosened, tactically it missed all his vital organs. Amelia stood up gasping for air as her breathing slowly returned to normal as Arne lay on the ground slowly bleeding out. Her eyes turned red as she focused on the Lord and Arne's father fighting. The lord looked back for a brief second to see Arne on the ground and smiled, "good girl" he said before turning back to the other one.
"You evil" Amelia said walking towards Marcus, "Vile, Manipulative son if a bitch!" Amelia screamed as she plunged the dagger into Lord Marcus's heart. While he was stunned looking at the blade sticking through his heart Amelia picked up Arne's sword and with one clean swipe she cut his head off. Her breathing was deep as she dropped Arne's sword, the collar around her neck unlocked and fell. Her hand went to her throat as she felt it, in shock that she was finally free.
"Arne.." Amelia whispered before running to his side.
"I'm sorry, I can fix this!" She said in a panic.
"Amelia, It's fine. Your free and alive, that's all I care about. I can die happy" Arne said weakly, reaching his hand up to stroke her cheek one last time.
"No your not! Your not dying!" Amelia yelled, putting her wrist up to her mouth. She sunk her teeth into it and then put her bloody wrist to Arne's mouth as the blood slowly dripped down his throat. Arne tried to push her arm away but he was to weak and Amelia refused. Arne's eyes slowly closed as his body grew still.
"Please don't die... your not allowed to die" Amelia cried, resting her forehead on his.

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