Chapter 34 oh no, anything but this

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The carriage ride bumped and swayed as Arne tried to rest in the back but he could feel his wound healing slower then usual. His father opened the partitioning window and yelled back to Arne.
"So tell me boy, why save this vampire? She is just like the rest of them"
"No.." Arne says grunting as he sits up, "she is just being forced to be like them. That man has this control over her, I don't know how to explain it but when she is relaxed and trouble isn't happening she's different. I know she's different".
"Ahhh young love can make you do stupid things" His father says shaking his head.
"This isn't young love or love at first sight" Arne said angrily.
"It sounds like it. I did the same as a boy as well, met a girl fell hard and she betrayed me" his father sighed.
"In all honesty I think we hated each other at the start"
"Oh really?" His father laughed.
"Yeah, I was a pompous idiot trying to prove myself and she was a no it all who had very little faith in me" Arne laughed back, thinking about their journey it surprised him how things had turned out.
"But what about your widow? How did she get messed up in all of this?"
"She tricked me, made me believe that she was the one and that she loved me" Arne said, embarrassed about the whole situation.
"Women" His father mumbled with a smirk on his face.
"How long till we get back to that town?" Arne asked getting impatient.
"Well judging by this map, I would say only two days". Arne clenched his fist, he hoped two days would be quick enough. That nothing happened to Amelia by the time they got there.

"You disrespectful bitch" Lord Marcus growled shoving Amelia into a dark room and locking the door behind her. She fell to the ground, to hurt to get up or show any fight.
"That boy is dead, get over it and come back to your senses" Lord Marcus yelled before storming away. Amelia waited until she heard the echoes of his foot steps fade away before she started crying. Her heart hurt, her stomach was in nots, she felt nauseous and her head spun. Was this what heart break felt like? If so she never wanted to go through it again. She sat on the floor, unmoving for a whole day before her cell door was opened and a human was thrown in with her.
"Eat" The Lord commanded. Begrudgingly she grabbed the mortal and sunk her teeth into him. As soon as the blood hit her tongue she pushed him away. Knowing she was hungry her body betrayed her by having no appetite what so ever, it didn't help that his blood tasted strange to her. Curling up into a ball she sulked.
"I want Arne's blood" she mumbled as she watched the human cower in fear. A few hours of sitting and eventually her hunger took over and she sunk her teeth into the human again but only drained him half way before she had to stop.
"What is wrong with me" she asked, holding her head as the room spun around her.
"I don't..." she started but the vomit that exploded from her throat and onto the ground made her scared.
"No..." she said holding her hand to her mouth.
"This can't be happening" she says moving her other hand to her stomach.
"Arne.." she whispered looking out of the crack in the wall some would call a window. She needed to hide this, she needed to cover up her now deepest secret. If the Lord found out about this he would kill her.
"Hey!" She screamed out of the cell window.
"What?" An annoyed guard asked.
"The human you brought me was sick, at least give me a mop to clean this up" Amelia begged. The guard narrowed his eyes as he peaked quickly inside the cell and rolled his eyes upon seeing the vile over the floor.
"Hands on the other side of the wall" he commanded and Amelia obliged. Two men came into the cell to grab the human and clean up the mess, Amelia knew better to try anything. For now she would be a good little prisoner, she needed to gain the lords favour back and quickly.

The next day Lord Marcus came up to the cell and smirked when he saw Amelia patiently waiting for him. She sat on her bed as poised as she had been before, not a single tear looked like it had fallen from her eyes.
"Are you feeling better pet?" He asked suspiciously.
"Yes. I was blinded by a mortal but you have been the only family I have known. You have treated me so well and I have betrayed you" Amelia said as if reciting a speech.
"Tell me the truth, why are you acting like this?" The lord commanded and Amelia could feel the collar tighten around her neck. In a panic she said, "I'm trying to regain your confidence in me, your trust" she said and the collar released, part of it was true because she would need his trust again but she would tell him no more. The Lord smiled upon seeing the collar release and knew she wasn't lying.
"And you will do anything to regain that trust?" The Lord asked raising an eyebrow at her.
"I have to. You are my family and I don't like what has become of us" Amelia said faking a remorseful smile at him.
"Good girl" the loud clank of the lock opening echoed through out the room. Amelia stood up and bowed her head to the lord.
"I will give you one day's rest in your old room but after that we have a lot of work to do" Lord Marcus said holding his hand out towards her.
"Thank my Lord" Amelia said taking his hand and kissing his knuckles in a sign of respect.

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