Chapter 12: Boos in the Courtyard

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As you and Maria jumped out of the trapdoor, the plumber grabbed the key with the smirk.

Maria: All right, now to save the princess!

You: What about your sister and your counterparts?

She nearly stumbled and scratched the back of her head.

Maria: Right, forgot about them.

You sighed and wondered how she's considered a hero at all.

Mario: Where to then?

You: Basement.

She nods as you both went downstairs and opened the door to the lower floor. You both saw a giant boo staring at the two of you before leaving to another door down the hall.

You: You saw that, right?

She nods.

Maria: Let's get'em.

You nodded as you both chased after the ghost and entered the courtyard. You saw a whole bunch of Boos floating around.

They looked at the you and Maria as they quickly became transparent by hiding their faces with their little hands. For some reason, you found that to be adorable but you would never say it out loud.

Maria: There!

She pointed to where the Big Boo is, carrying a cage inside its body. You both ran over to it, dodging the other Boos. Maria was able to kick it from behind and the big boo made a weird sound and the cage was out of the ghost.

You both looked at it before nodding at each other and jumped as you both shrunk down and entered the cage and entered Boo's world.

Super Mario Adventures Book 1 (Male Reader X Harem)(18+)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant