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~Armin's POV~

I understand now. Why Annie is always so closed off, why she's so untouchable, why she doesn't wanna get close to anyone, why she refuses to participate in group projects or events. She's scared. She comes off as scary or distant to push people away but she's actually so fragile. Anything can break her. Especially someone like her father. I watch her eyes as the travels through the snow. They seem to distant and out of touch. I wonder what she's thinking about. She's hurting. I can tell because I've been there. Maybe not the same kind of situation but it's still a deep wound I wouldn't wanna dig up. I await the moment I'll watch her lips curve into a smile. She's completely serious. She might be distant but she's a friend. And she needs help. 

Her hands are stuffed in the pockets of her coat. She stops in front of my house and looks around. I chuckle. I know exactly what she's waiting for. "Alwyn!" I call out and wait for a response. Nothing. It's quiet. I first see her paws, then her entire figure. She prances over towards us. The moment she nears us, she starts purring. There's a sudden glimmer in Annie's eyes. She looks as if someone has just ridden her of all her burdens. Like she has no more issues. Alwyn - the cat who usually hates being picked up - nestles in Annie's arms when she picks her up. I watch, amazed. She usually isn't okay with being picked up. I try to respect that and set boundaries but she doesn't seem to have an issue with Annie. She's now rested on her shoulder, cradled like a baby. It's like magic. I've never seen her like this before. "She likes you." I smile. 

Annie turns her attention from the tuxedo cat, to me. "She's not like this with everyone?"

I shake my head. "She usually doesn't wanna get picked up. But look at her now." 

Annie looks back at Alwyn who leans in and connects her nose to Annie's. It's an instant bond. Alwyn seems to trust her. I can't help but feel slightly jealous. I've fed Alwyn for months and she rarely allows me to pick her up. But with Annie... It's like something straight out of a movie.  

Annie puts the cat down, pats her head lightly and looked at me. Her hands - protected by her gloves - are now back in her pockets. "Let's go." She says. I nod. Alwyn follows us with her gaze. Her black coat is now decorated with delicate snowflakes. I bid her a quick goodbye and open the front door. I allow Annie to go first. I hold the door while she enters. I walk after her and shut the door. My grandpa is at work so the house is rather cold. I take Annie's coat, hang it up and we both walk into the living room. The Christmas tree my grandpa and I decorated is glistening, shimmering, beautiful right next to the fire place. I turn the Christmas lights on and allow it to glow. 

"Make yourself at home." I tell Annie. I leave my bag next to the couch and sit down next to the fire place. My grandpa set up the wood this morning. I just need to light it. The match in my hand sparks ablaze. I toss it into the fireplace and watch as the wood lights up. It illuminates my face. I hear light footsteps. Annie is standing next to me now. She doesn't sit on the floor but she hovers above me. 

"It's cold." She says. She crouches next to me and stares at the newly lit fire. Her face changes colors with each flame that ignites. It's yellow, then orange, then sunset, then back to yellow and the pattern repeats itself. She doesn't move. Her lips, although cracked by the cold, are so bright and red, her eyes are such a deep, yet vibrant blue. They're like an ocean I could drown in. So endless yet to welcoming. It's like they're inviting me to dive in and get to know them. Get to know her. I realize I don't really know much about Annie. I know about her dad and her friend but I don't know much about who she is and what she likes other then cats, Taylor Swift and being alone. I wanna know her better. Maybe then I'll learn the secrets behind why those eyes are so blue. 

I decide to start with a simple question. "What's your favorite color?" 

She answers. "I don't have a specific one. But I like blue. It reminds me of a river." Her face is still lit by the fire. I'm not sure why but her eyes show a pang of hurt and then, instant regret. She doesn't take her eyes off the blazes when she asks. "What's yours?"

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