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~Armin's POV~

When the morning comes I'm in the kitchen, humming. I'm making breakfast for all three of us  since Annie stayed over last night. I let her stay in my room and gave her full access to my record player and vinyls. 

"What are you making?" Asks my grandpa from his chair by the window. He's reading the news paper. 

I look away from my pan and towards him. "Just pancakes. It's basic but the first thing I could think of. I'm not sure when Annie will wake up and I want breakfast to be done by then." 

My grandpa laughs. "You two go ahead and eat. I have some work to do." 

"But..." I start. But my grandpa has already risen from his seat, stored his newspaper out of the way and is now walking out of the kitchen. "I made way too many pancakes now." 

"I'll have my share later. I'll be late for work." 

I sigh but nod. I understand. Sometimes I wish my grandfather's boss would give him more days off. But he's strict and grandpa says we need the extra money anyways. I turn back to the pan on the stove and flip the pancake. It's a miracle it isn't burnt. 

The aroma of the pancakes fills the house in no time. I load them all up in plates and place them on the table. I place down bottles of maple syrup, honey, crumbled biscuits and chocolate spread on the table next to the plates. I have no idea what Annie likes on her pancakes so I'm giving her all the options I can think of. My grandpa left and Annie is probably still asleep. The pancakes will cool down if she doesn't wake up soon but I don't wanna be the one to ruin her slumber. 

"Good morning." A sleepy voice sounds from the kitchen entrance. I turn around and meet her gaze with a smile. Her hair is messy and her eyes look tired. She's looking around the kitchen, taking in the scent.

"Good morning, Annie!" I greet. "I made breakfast!" 

Annie walks over to the table and examines the food. There's a hint of excitement in her eyes that I don't get to see often. She seems to have a liking to sweet food. "You didn't have to." She shrugs. She's trying to play it cool and hide her excitement. 

"Sit down." I pull the chair out for her. It's a kind gesture often practiced by my grandfather. I used to watch my dad pull the chair out or open the door for my mom when I was a kid. I used to want to be like them. Now, I'm not so sure. Annie seems surprised. She's wary and slightly hesitant but sits down anyways. 

"Thanks." She says, under her breath. I find it cute that she's so quiet when she's thankful. She seems embarrassed. 

I take a seat in front of her and make small talk. "How'd you sleep?"

"I haven't slept this good in ages." 

I slightly laugh. "What did you listen to?" 

"Evermore" Annie answers. "It's sad but calming." 

"Folklore and Evermore put me to sleep all the time." I admit. Sometimes, when my mind is being too loud, I like to listen to music to help me sleep. I don't go as far as to tell her they sometimes make me cry myself to sleep. I decide to leave that part out. On another note, though, I'm glad Annie managed to get some good rest while she's here. I can imagine what it must be like living with her father. How slow sleep must come for her. How she must walk on ice out of fear of triggering him. I'm glad she at least felt safe enough to let her guard down and get some rest here. "Oh, how rude of me!" I get up from my seat. "So, I made some pancakes." She looks at the pancakes as if it was obvious they were there. She then looks back at me as I go over all the toppings provided. She looks slightly overwhelmed but the little gleam in her eyes gives away her excitement. 

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