Birthday Surprise (L.S)

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(Leigh Shaw x Male!Reader)

You got an invitation from Leigh Shaw herself. An invitation to her birthday, it surprised you to get the Facebook invitation. You and Leigh were childhood friends. But all the sudden the friendship faded. You were there when her and Matt met. You were there at their wedding and for a couple more events. But you noticed how Matt looked at you and Leigh. You and Leigh were really close.

Leigh would be either resting her hand on your shoulder. Always sitting next to you. You hanged out a lot with her. You overheard one day Matt talking to his brother Danny. That's when you realized Matt's jealous. You didn't think much of it maybe it was just weird because you were a guy. So you started distancing yourself away from her. Slowly she started to do the same.

She wouldn't text you anymore. No more calls. Nothing.

Now you had moved an year prior to Matt's death. You didn't find out about his death until coming back to receive a couple mail that hadn't sent to your new place. You had ran into Amy, Leigh's mom. You had a small talk with her, you suddenly mention about Leigh. That's when Amy told you that she wasn't doing so great, because Matt had died.

So here you are now sitting in your car, across the in the other side of the road. Staring at the Shaw's house. Debating if you should go in or not. Maybe this was a mistake, before you can start your car again. Your startle by a knock on your window. It was Jules. You rolled down your window.

"Y/N I can't believe you she invited you to her stupid party."


You and Jules get inside and wow there is a lot of people here. You walk in their backyard, recognizing a few faces. You totally miss Amy walking right by you. She stared at you in shock that you were here. Jules took a different turn saying she needed to get some dessert treats out. You found Leigh standing talking to one her friends since the middle school.

From where you were standing you can see the sadness in her. The way her angry is more sensitive in way. You stayed away from Leigh in fear how she would react. You wanted to leave but Jules had seen you already. As you turn around your met by Amy.

"Omg i can't believe is really you" She pulls you in a hug. A few minutes go by and Jules comes back with a cake. You stay far away in the back in fear of how Leigh. Or even you at this point made an interaction with her. You watched her walk by saying a few hellos to the people around. Then you saw Danny right behind her.

After a few minutes of standing there you build the courage to go look for her. You walk in the house, it was silent. Until you reached to the front door. Where the living room was you heard what sounded like Leigh and Danny.

"I WANT YOU TO TELL ME IF YOU THINK HE JUMPED" "MAYBE!" The floor under you made a noise and the two turned around.

"Ugh sorry I didn't- I didn't mean to walk" You struggle to find your words. Leigh's heels click as she walks towards you. You expected her to walk past you but she basically throws herself in your arms. She started to sob in your arms, you look back at Danny.

"Okay well im leaving" he whispered and walked out the door. You looked down at Leigh who looked at you. Her mascara all over her eyes and also in your shirt.

"I-um you came" She said letting go of you. "I didn't expect you to come back"

"Well its your birthday I cant miss your birthday." She goes to say something but then her eyes caught her makeup on my shirt.

"Shit, your shirt" Leigh grabs your hand and takes me to the kitchen. Grabbing paper and going to the sick. But when she moved the plate it fell and shattered. "Fuck"

"Leigh, Leigh. Its okay I can wash this off. You my Leigh need to control your breathing. If you wanna talk lets talk"

"Its that, I thought having a birthday party will help me." She starts playing with her fingers. "But everyone just calls me sweetie and asking if im doing okay. Wait did I tell you about Matt?" She looks back up to and looks back down when she saw you look at her. "Anyway this is my first birthday without him."

"And your okay to feel like this Leigh. Its your day you want to do whatever you want. Then lets do it. You wanna cry, so cry."

"Why are you so nice to me" You cup her face and make her look at you.

"Because Leigh you matter to me. I have known you since we were just little kids. I care about you, and I hate seeing my Leigh sad. Because I know she is this amazing girl." She put her hand on-top of your arms. She didn't feel mad at you like she did with Frankie. She just needed you this whole time. Maybe if she didn't overthink everything and just called you she wouldn't be so mean to everyone. Maybe she wouldn't be so selfish. Maybe she would of been okay.

Someone clears their throat beside you guys and you both realize how close you guys were. It was Amy.

"You kids okay"

"Yeah, ugh I just telling Leigh that we should go on a walk. So she was about to go get into comfy cloths. Right Leigh" you pushed Leigh forward which she looked backed at you.


"Y/N I don't understand where are you taking me." Leigh was out of breathe, holding onto her knees trying to catch her breathe.

"Its called a surprise for a reason Leigh" You said turning around and watching her still squatting.

"I-I hate surprises" She got up with a groan and started to walk again.

"Get on my back"

"What?" You point towards your back. "No, no I'm good." You began walking again checking your phone again. You had a little more to go.


"You know what I change my mind" You roll your eyes but go back to where Leigh was standing. Crouching down a bit till you feel the extra body weight. You go forward which makes Leigh scream and hold you tighter.

"Jesus you are more heavier from what I re- OW" you stop when you feel a smack at your chest. The rest of the way its silent. You feel Leigh legs wrap around your torso. Her body feeling more relaxed. Her head laying at the side of your face.

The breeze hit both your faces. Getting to your destination. Leigh raises her head staring at the stars.


"I drove by here on the way to your house." She smacks you on the chest again.

"You could of driven us all the way. Instead of walking an hour HERE!" You lean back and Leigh hold you tighter fearing of falling.

"Sorry the princess doesn't like her surprise" you lean more back almost losing your balance.

"NO NO I LOVE IT" she lets out a giggle when you sarcastically hum. "I really do, thank you." She leans over and kisses your check. Now Leigh used to do this all the time. But now it was different and she felt it too. You both froze and went silent. She unwrapped her legs and slowly slide of your back. Walking in-front of you a good distance and sitting down on the grass. She pats next to her for you to sit. You two sit there for what seems hours until the sun starts coming up.

"Thank you for this birthday surprise, I love it"

And I love you

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