I can't do it (W.M)

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( hey my loves i know I disappeared. Been so busy lately but I had to time to write this. Is this based of the Office some parts yes. Enjoy. -Lyn)

It was a normal day at the Stark Industries. Everyone working, everyone at peace. Tony and Natasha had gone out to a meeting. Clint in his office signing off papers from Pym Technologies.

You were at your desk finishing up so papers Natasha had told you to finish. Yes you were doing her work. Steve was finishing reading some files for new workers who applied for. To complete everything was your wife Wanda. Pregnant Wanda. Everyone feared. Her mood swings were terrible.

The door open and there she walked in. 9 months pregnant Wanda. Her due date was was any time now. As taking of her coat she felt pain. Contractions. Groaning in pain, everyone looked up. Clint running towards Wanda hearing her groaning.

Clint had taken Wanda under his wing. He was a father figure to Wanda. Clint took care of her as his own daughter. He was super alert and overprotective of Wanda now that she was pregnant.

"Woah" one hand on the wall she leaned forward. Getting a bit dizzy.

"Wanda?" Clint came running towards Wanda. "Wanda?" No response but more groans. "Okay. Alright. Okay its time, time to go to the hospital. Someone get Y/n please. Is it midnight yet?"

"No its 4:35" Mantis answered. She was worried for Wanda. She can feel her pain through her emotions. You had Mantis always by Wanda, her powers came in handy. Lights began to flicker as more groans from Wanda came.

"4:35 okay okay. Lets go to the hospital come one."

"No no not yet Clint." And just like that everything stopped. A smile appeared on Wanda face as she remembered something. "Oh wow its almost time for ultra feast. Where's Thor?" Wanda began looking around for Thor. Everyone looking at each other confused. Clint looked back confused as well.

"What?" Wanda stood up from leaning on the wall and walked away. In search for Thor.


There's no rush to get to the hospital. I am fine. I'll get there.

And if I don't get there... I don't get there.


"I know you wanted to go to Asgard. But since you have mini mortals. I brought Asgard to you" Thor waved his hand around the table. "All of these dishes are made from the palace. Special orders from my mom, good for you as well."

You were pacing back and forth outside of the room. Clint being inside with Wanda and Thor. You were stress Clint had told you what happened a couple minutes ago. She can go into labor any moment now.

Clint looked over when the water dispenser began making noises. The water inside the big bottle boiling. Wanda holding on tightly to the sides of the chair, her eyes closed tightly.

"You okay?" Thor stopped talking also noticing Wanda's face. He also cared for his witchy friend.

"Mhm" Wanda waved of Thor when he say down next to her. "Yes, i'm fine UM!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah the doctor said that its still considered a minor contraction as long as I can - AH- through it" Wanda let out a scream, her body jerking to the side.

" OHKAY-" Clint got up as soon as Wanda began to scream. "Okay Y/n" You came right away seeing your wife in pain. "I think this feast is over and time to go to the hospital"

"Okay yes" you rubbed Wanda's shoulder.

"No no its better" Wanda tried her best to smile at you. "That wasn't even the worst of them. I'm fine"

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