My My (A.H)

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Footsteps running on the dirt. The crunching and snapping of branches and leaves. You turned around seeing Agatha running towards you. You hopped of your horse, opening your arms for her to run into. You lifted her up and spinned around. Putting her down she kissed you, like it was the last time she will ever see you. She leaned back taking a deep breath.

"Your mama told" She looked down at her hands not wanting to look at you. "Your mama told me I can never see you again" You remembered the conversation you and your father had the other night. He had found out about you two.

"My daddy told me" Agatha looked up at you when you moved towards your horse. Not sure if you were gonna leave here there. That you were gonna agree with your own mother of never seeing her again. "My daddy told we can never be more than friends" You pulled out purple flowers out. Which made her gasp taking them from you.

"My my my" You tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Your mine"

"My my my. Your mine" The two of kissed before heading back towards your home. Agatha with a big smile on her face. She forgot about hiding the flowers. Her mother has seen her come out the forest. She got curious on why Agatha was smiling so much. Where had she found the flowers.

Being the witch she was she figured out she was seeing you. That made her furious, Agatha is meant to stay away from people like you. You came from the village and your people hated the coven. They wanted to kill them off.

In front of Agatha she burned the flowers. Yelling at her to never see you again. To never even go near you. But Agatha didn't listen two days passed. She had to go see you, so mid lessons she sneaked off.

She hoped you still waited for her, it had been two days. She ran through the forest while the sun was setting. She ran towards your home in the village. Dogs started to bark being alerted by her sprinting. You were out putting your horse in her stable. You turned around when you heard a thud. Agatha getting up from tripping of some equipment your father had left.

"Agatha." You helped her up making sure she was okay. Looking around to make sure none of your neighbors were out. "Where have you been, its been two days"

"My mama told me" Tears began flooding her eyes. "My mama told me I can never see you again. Your daddy told me, your daddy told me we can never be more than friends" She began to sob. Her mother had found out and she knew who you were.

"Y/N!!" The two of you turned around to your back door. It was your mother calling you. Your own mother didn't like you hanging out with a witch. Your father didn't know Agatha was a witch and didn't believe her wife. He told her it would be so stupid if a witch were to fall in love with one of the village people. Is she knows the village people want her coven gone.

"SHE IS WITCH?" Your father's yells were heard now. Oh your dad was so furious. You pulled Agatha behind the hay stack. You pocked your head seeing your dad looking for you. He was definitely angry. He walked towards the hay stack where you two were hiding. Your body weight pushing the top of hay stack. But you grabbed it before it feel, reaching over Agatha's mouth. Almost letting out a yelp.

Your mother came out pointing out the fence that was open. Your father when inside coming out with a gun. While your mother went to get the rest of the village people. They were going into the forest towards Agatha's home.

"I'm sorry for the trouble I cost, I really wanna see you please don't pull us apart" Agatha begged.

"We will find another way soon." You held her close. The only thing you two can do is run away. Run away from here. You told her that for now you two can't see each-other. "We will meet back before noon"

Its had been weeks. But your father had gone out hunting again. While your mother was busy outside gossiping with the other woman. You got your horse ready.

You were excited, you were running of with your love. To live happy together. Forever. You tried something to see if you can find out if Agatha was near. With her witchy powers you two experimented what she could do. She was scared on harming you sometimes. She had found a spell book that helped her a lot. She soon found out she can read people's mind. Sense what their mind is thinking. She had done it before to you. Now you tried it.

My my my. Your mine.

My my my. Your mine.

It worked. A purple wisp passed you a pebble hitting your shoulder. Agatha hopped over the fence jumping in your arms. This was it. It was time.

You helped her in your horse, getting up behind her. You two were never meant to meet. You two were supposed to be enemies not lovers. Here you were in love and running away. You two were far away from the village and Agatha's home hidden in the forest. You guys were free. Free. You were.

Someone close behind followed the two of you. Keeping an eye on Agatha on where she is going.


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