Magic spell gone wrong (A.H + W.M)

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"ALRIGHT I'M COMING" Probably the fifth knock, Agatha had enough. She got up from her bed and walked to the door. If it was one of those annoying girls asking to buy their cookies.

"Listen stop bo-oh um" her hand gripped the door knob seeing the man in-front of her. "Strange,"

"Hello, sorry to bother you. I just didn't know who to go to." This made Agatha confused, she came out closing the door behind her. "Its hard to explain so just" in the middle of the path one of his orange portals appeared. Soon giggles were heard. A young girl came out, she had a white long sleeve with purple and pink flowers. She also had purple overalls. The girl gasped when making eye contact with Agatha and smiled.

 "What is this, who is that" Agatha turned to her right to find no one

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"What is this, who is that" Agatha turned to her right to find no one. Strange had been long gone. She looked back to see the girl gone as well.

"Hi" "SHIT" Agatha put a hand over her heart being scared. The girl's big green eyes seemed familiar. "I'm sorry who are you?"

"Silly Aga... agnes. Its me, Wanda!" Agatha looked out in the streets this must be some kind of joke. She grabbed "wanda" by the arm and dragged her in her home. "Ow my arm"

"Why are you like this weird adorable girl" lifting Wanda up in the air, why was she a child. Wanda just let out a laugh from being shaken up and down in the air. "Tell me who did this to do you?"

"Stephan" her little legs moved around in the air. Agatha tried to keep her poker face but Wanda being this adorable wasn't helping.

"So he does this to you and decides to leave you with me? He could of left you with that one guy who shoot arrows."

"CLINT?" wanda yelled.

"Oh god please i have heard your brother yell and that was enough" a gush of sadness hit Wanda hearing the mention of her brother. Agatha placed Wanda down and walked away. " what am I supposed to do with a what ever your age is"


"AGHHHHH I WANT MAMA!" Agatha put a pillow over her head. Banging on her bedroom door from, you guessed it Wanda. This was the second breakdown Wanda had. The first one Agatha had placed a bowl of fruit and turned on some sitcoms. She waved her hand to turn on the television. Wanda's screams turned to sobs.

The good side of this was that Wanda didn't have her powers. Because for sure the door would of bursted open by now. Even better the house might of been destroyed from all the screaming Wanda was doing. Agatha wished it was Tommy and Billy. The were quiet and didn't cry, heck they were only babes form a few hours and toddlers for a few seconds.

Agatha sighed and rolled over closing her eyes. She jumped up at the sudden loud bang at her door. Then the screams started again and more bangs on the door. Agatha had enough and stomped her way. Swinging the door open being hit by a magazine.

"SHUT UP WILL YOU! I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU WANT, BUT FOR SURE HELL YOUR BOYS WERE NOTHING LIKE THIS. HELL YOU MADE THEM THE ANGELS THEY WERE BECAUSE THEY ARENT REAL!" suddenly everything went quiet. The light of the tv showing Wanda's teary eyes and pouty lips that quivered. Her small body shaking from fear, and holding in her sobs. Agatha felt this pain in her chest, she felt guilty. "Im sorry I didn't mean. You just stressed me out. Im not good with kids" Agatha took a stepped forward making Wanda scoot back.

" I didn't mean to scare you.  Don't cry please, I didn't mean it. I know you miss them and maybe that's what you were doing this."


Agatha was sitting on tue floor her hack leaning on her bed. Wanda in the living room hugging her legs. The two hadn't said anything. Suddenly a bang and toy noises were heard making Wanda's head shoot up. That noise sounded familiar. Agatha cursing herself after dropping the toy.

"Agnes" she only hummed back in response. Wanda slowly crawled over to Agatha. To Agatha it was still funny how Wanda still called her Agnes. A pair of tiny arms barley wrapped around her waist. When she didn't move Wanda moved more closer and sat on her lap. Agatha felt weird being hugged. This was new, i mean sure she was in shock the first time Wanda had held her hand. (Ofc when she was normal) but being hugged.

Agatha sat there for what felt like hours. Her legs began to cramp so she got up and laid in bed with the sleeping Wanda on top of her. The feeling of an extra warmth on her. Small arms wrapped around her neck. Wrapping her own arms around Wanda and kissing her head. She fell onto a deep sleep.

The next morning Wanda woke up to a chill down her spine. Her head bumping into something and feeling fabric on her chest. Sitting up she heard a groan. Rubbing her eyes to wake up she opened them to find herself straddling her worst enemy. Agatha. Her eyes widened not only being on-top of her Agatha but being naked.

"Woah this is a lovely way to wake up to" Agatha sat up making Wanda squeal losing balance.

"What what is happening. Why am i here?" Wanda asked in fear. She can't remember why she was here and heck why was she naked.

"You seriously don't remember." Wanda gulped imagining the worst. Had she gotten drunk? "Though i'm loving the view hot stuff you need some clothes"


Hey my loves,

I don't know what this is, but here is something.
Happy late easter to who celebrated. I'm in spring break so i will try to at least update something. But for now have this :)

Take care of yourself, bc you are beautiful. Eat, drink water and stay safe.


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