Chapter 1: The mysterious message

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I woke up to thunder and lightning. It was 1:32am, and it was raining quite hard. I sat up on my bed and looked out the window. There was a full moon with no stars in the sky.

"Five and a half hours 'til sunrise," I told myself.

I sighed. I hate it when I wake up at night. I'm basically not gonna fall asleep again, so I just got my diary out and started writing.

OMG! I'm so sorry! I forgot to introduce myself (I'm very forgetful). So, my name is Tooba. Tooba Nazari! I'm 11 years old and I love reading, writing, doing art and playing my favorite sports; skiing and swimming! I can be shy when meeting new people but if it's someone I know, I could literally talk for hours! Anyway, I continued writing in my diary all about my super awesome secrets!

I was shocked to hear a sent message from my Chromebook on Gmail and guess who it was from? Avery! Avery Considine!

Avery is a friend of mine from school. She is 11 years old, as well. She is one of my BFF's and has crazy curly hair. She has hazel eyes and she loves reading, and drawing and can't take it if she's bored. We both hate sports (other than skiing, swimming, and gymnastics). She has a younger sister named Sadie (not that I don't have annoying younger siblings).

Anyway, I had no idea why she was awake (she's usually a sleepyhead). I checked to see what she wrote.

Avery C: Hey Tooba! You awake?

Tooba N: Hi Avery! Yeah, I'm awake but why are you awake?

Avery C: I have to tell you something and it's a secret so don't tell anyone, ok? Meet me by my house and I'll tell you what's happening. Don't tell your parents or anyone that you're coming here. Just come!

I read her message, like, ten times, just staring at what she wrote. 

End of Chapter 1

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now