Chapter 10: Split up

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Zoey, Lada and I were screaming! Amilya, Chloe and Avery just stood there, staring at the portal and listening to our screams as we fell through the portal.

After about a minute of screaming, we landed somewhere, but we had no idea where. Well, except for Lada. I think she will know where we landed.

"Where are we?" I asked as I stood up after our fall.

"I think we're in....Taniza," Lada replied. "But that is very bad news. For us, and for Amilya, Chloe and Avery. Because they are the ones landing in Walus!"

"OMG!" I said hysterically. "They're gonna land in Walus?!! But they're gonna die there!!!"

"It's so cold here!" Zoey wailed.

"Seriously!?" Lada said shockingly. "You're wearing flip-flops?! Sorry Zoey, but I don't know if you'll survive this freezing weather."

"Don't worry guys!" I said. "We can do this! We have the paper to guide us and all the other items we found! It's Amilya, Chloe and Avery we should worry about."

"You're right, Tooba," Lada and Zoey said. "Let's just begin by using the paper to guide us!"


"Where do you guys think they're gonna land?" Chloe asked nervously.

"Honestly, I don't know," Avery replied without any hope.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Amilya said anxiously, just staring at the portal. "I feel like they will land in Taniza, and we will have to land in.....Walus!"

"Well, what do we do now?" Avery asked. "Because we can't just stand here and stare at the portal. We need to solve the problem!"

"You're right, Avery," Amilya and Chloe said.

"Even though I think this is gonna be very dangerous, I still understand that we all desperately need to do whatever we can to go back to Earth," Amilya said. "Are you guys ready?"

"Are you sure, Amilya?" Chloe and Avery asked. "Can't there be another way to solve this problem? Can we just travel to Taniza on foot?"

"It's Tooba, Lada and Zoey we should worry about," Amilya said with a sigh. "It's very cold in Taniza, and they could freeze to death, especially poor Zoey. She's only wearing flip-flops."

"How is the weather in Walus?" Avery asked.

"It's very cloudy in Walus and it isn't that cold or hot, so we're good," Amilya replied. "Guys we need to jump into the portal. Ready?"

"I guess so," Chloe and Avery responded.

"Didn't hear that?" Amilya said again with a smile. "Are you guys ready to jump into the portal?"

"Sure?" Avery replied uncertainty.

"Okay?" Chloe said with a frightened tone.

"Then let's jump!" Amilya said and all three of them jumped in....together!


We asked the paper where we should go, and it understood our cries as always and replied:

I am here

As always

But you will be stuck here

For a maximum of two days

But it is you guys

That are saving your friends

From evil Face

And that depends

If you are afraid

Of your enemy

You should know

That this is happening coincidentally

I will tell you the way though

You must go west straight

Until you find someone

That is seventy-eight

But I want you to remember

That this is a warning

If you master it

You will have something rewarding

But that is only if you succeed

Then you may see your friends

And prepare for the last battle

And then it'll end

"Ok guys!" I said confidently. "We're gonna walk straight until we find Face, I think."

"But which direction?" Zoey asked.

"West!" I replied.

"How do we know which way is west?" Lada asked.

"Um, don't know," I replied.

"I remember a method I tried with my dad when I went camping!" Zoey exclaimed. "We use it when we don't have a compass. So basically, you poke a stick in the ground so that it's standing straight up. Then you place a rock at the end of the shadow cast by the stick. After about thirty minutes, the stick's shadow has been moved a bit, so place another rock at the end of the new shadow. That new shadow is facing west!"

"That's so smart!" I told Zoey. "But our only problem is that it's freezing out here, and there are no rocks and sticks in sight."

"You're right, Zoey sighed. "But I think I remember another way that would work. It's probably gonna be a waste of time, though."

"But it's better than doing nothing and just guessing the direction," Lada reassured. "It's okay. Please share your idea."

"Well, I was gonna say that we could wait until the sun sets because whichever way the sun sets, is west," Zoey replied. "But you know how the paper said that we only have two days to do this? That's why I think it's not gonna work."

"But it's better than guessing the direction!" Lada said again, winking to Zoey. "There isn't a lot of time left 'til the sun sets, and once we find the direction, we will need to place something pointing in that direction so we don't get confused in the morning."

"I'll place my hat and make the pompom point in the right direction," I added. "So we won't get confused."

"Ok!" Lada said with a smile. "I think we could just relax now. Oh, and also hope Amilya, Chloe and Avery are doing good."


"Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" Amilya, Chloe and Avery screamed as they fell through the portal.

Their screams lasted for about a minute. After that, everything was just calm again.

"Why is it so creepy here?" Chloe asked nervously.

"What do you think?" Avery asked. "It's Walus!"

"Be careful, guys." Amilya whispered. "Face, his sidekicks or his army could hear us if we're being too loud."

"Where should we go now?" Avery asked.

"We're basically supposed to wait for Tooba, Zoey and Lada." Amilya replied. "Since we have nothing to guide us." "Let's just hide in that cave over there while they come.

They ran up to the cave and made themselves comfortable. I guess their only hope was us.

End of Chapter 10

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now