Chapter 2: The secret note

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I decided to trust Avery and go to her house, even though it was kind of mysterious. I quickly wore my coat and took my umbrella (I don't like getting wet). I passed Hibiscus Park, the round-about and went straight to Larkin Dr.

I was about to ring the doorbell when Avery came out of her house and stood on the porch.

She whispered; "Quiet! "And never ring the doorbell if it's past midnight. Now come in, but don't make a sound."

I nodded and went in. Avery led me into her house and upstairs into her room.

She whispered: "I couldn't fall asleep. Something's keeping me awake. I'm not sure what, though."

"Why did you tell me to come here?" I asked her.

"That's the secretive part and I'll explain why," she replied.

Avery explained how she wasn't falling asleep. She was seeing green light coming out from her drawer and that the light was a little too bright. She told me that she was about to open her drawer, but was too scared to.

But after two minutes of just staring at the drawer, she finally opened it. At first she didn't see anything, but

then she looked closely and found a blank piece of paper that had been blending in with her white drawer.

She thought to herself: 'If there was just a blank piece of paper here, then where was the green light coming from?'

Then she told me how she was walking into the living room to drink some lemonade (she's always thirsty) and accidentally spilled some on the blank piece of paper. Avery said that she took the blank piece of paper, put it on a plate and tried to dry it in different ways, like using the hairdryer and the fan, although she didn't know why it was so important, she told me that she had a weird feeling about it.

In the end Avery decided to give up and left it on her bedside table under her lamp. Then she tried to get some sleep, but couldn't because she was thinking a lot about where the green light was coming from. After about an hour or so, Avery checked the blank piece of paper on her bedside table, and somehow, there was something written on it! It looked like the writing was very light yellow. The paper had writing that said:

Do you want something that'll make you rich?

'Cause if so, we've got something for you.

In a dark unknown place faraway,

A Golden Emerald is waiting for you.

Find it and get it before time runs out.

Or else you'll be stuck there forever without doubt.

So find it and get it and get back to earth,

'Cause this Emerald is not in the same planet as your place of birth.

But I'll give you a hint on how to succeed

'Cause true friends are the key to success, indeed.

But I must warn you about this mission,

'Cause if you fail you might end up in prison.

So follow everything right and carefully.

So that in the end, you may succeed, hopefully.

Avery said that the paper had said to use friends in order to succeed and to not go alone on this mission. That's why she had called me to go on this very mysterious mission.

"But what's the point of getting the Emerald?" I asked Avery.

"It said that it will make you rich," she replied. "Don't you want to become the first billionaire kid?"

"Well...What if we fail?" I asked her.

"C'mon Tooba! You worry too much," she replied.

I thought to myself for a second and then mentioned:

"Wait a minute! How are we supposed to go to another planet without a rocket ship or something?"

At that moment the white piece of paper with the note on it glowed! Avery and I hesitated. The glowing seems to get brighter and bigger.

It seemed like it was forming something. The glowing was becoming the colour green!

"So this is where the green light was coming from!" Avery exclaimed. "A magic portal!"

The portal was like a vacuum! It was sucking up Avery and me into the portal!

End of Chapter 2

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba Nazariحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن