Chapter 7: King Leo and Queen Lea

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We decided to have a small break in Camgruelta. We would stay there for three hours and then head on our way to Emeraldo! As we were talking, a wind of magic suddenly appeared in front of us. It was Melody! Zoey and Chloe were a bit frightened, but when they saw the friendly smile of Melody, they calmed down.

"Hey Melody!" Avery, Amilya, Lada and I exclaimed!

"Hi! "Melody replied. "You girls did great out there!"she replied. "And who do we have here?" she asked, looking at Zoey and Chloe.

"I'm Zoey!"

"And, um, I'm Chloe."

"Nice to meet you, although I knew that I'd see you girls one day," Melody replied. "The second part of your mission was to find two more friends to go back to Earth and you don't need to have proof for that, because I can see them right now!" Melody said, smiling at Zoey and Lizzie. "And the third part of your mission was to get familiar with evil Face and his sidekicks, and to also use the magic you have around you. Your proof for that was the golden ring."

I handed Melody the golden ring and once again, it glowed in her hand as soon as she touched it. Once she was done with it, she handed it back to me.

"You girls are good to go on part four of your mission!" Melody said, then disappeared.

After three hours we got ready for flight. We decided to fly to Emeraldo instead of walking like we did on our way to Camgruelta. The golden ring had provided us with the power of flight! Amazing! I wonder what the silver key's power is.

As we were flying, I suddenly had a thought. What if we could use the silver key to get to Emeraldo quicker? Just like we did with the golden ring, the silver key also has a power and maybe we could reach Emeraldo even quicker than flight.

I took the silver key out of my pocket and held it tightly. I closed my eyes and tried to gain its power. But whatever I did, nothing happened. After a second try of failure, the paper started talking:


not everything provides you

with visible power....power.....power.....power...Power...Power...Power.....Power....Power..

I didn't understand what that meant. Visible power? What did she mean by that? I decided to just ignore it and put the silver key back in my pocket. We continued our flight and reached Emeraldo at nighttime. Amilya and Lada were guiding us somewhere, but I didn't know where and so I was very curious. I couldn't help but ask:

"Um, Lada, where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going to King Leo and Queen Lea's palace," she replied.

Queen Lea's palace? Oh yeah! I think Lada and Amilya already told Avery and I something about that, so I just told Zoey and Chloe a small description about it. Once we reached the palace, we landed on the ground and walked up to the palace.

It was pretty cool. I thought Avery was gonna die. We went inside the palace and walked straight on the mat. Inside of the palace was very beautiful. The ceilings were shiny glass and there was a fountain in the middle. As we walked up to the queen and king, I suddenly got nervous (I'm always shy when I meet new people). Once we were right in front of the king and queen, Avery broke out a:

"Hello, your Majesty!"

"Hello dears!" they replied. "Welcome to Emeraldo, Frestildia!"

"Thank you!" Avery, Zoey, Chloe and I replied.

"And how are my dear Amilya and Lada doing?" the Queen asked.

"We're fine, thanks," Amilya and Lada replied.

"Do you have a request?" the King asked Amilya and Lada.

"We would like to have a room just for tonight," Amilya replied. "Please?"

"Of course!" the Queen replied.

"You are welcome to stay even longer!" the King added. "I think these four young girls have come for the Emerald."

"I mean, of course you girls need it as well," the Queen said to Amilya and Lada. "Which means you all make a great group!"

The King handed Lada a Golden Emerald! Isn't that the Emerald we all need to go back to Earth?

"This is a fake version of the real Golden Emerald," the King said. "Do not lose it, you will need it."

"Um, may I ask why a fake Emerald is so important?" Lada asked.

"All I can tell you is that this mission speaks to you in a riddle," the King explained. And so, we have to do the same. We can't reveal everything to you clearly. I'm sorry about that. But please, for your own sake, do not lose this fake Emerald. You will understand why you need this item later."

"You girls can rest for the night in the aqua room," the Queen added.

"Thank you so much!" We all said enthusiastically.

"It is our pleasure!" the Queen replied.

"You are all welcome to stay longer if you would like!" the King added. "Have a great night!"

We went up on the second floor and Amilya and Lada guided us to the aqua room the King and the Queen told them to. Once we opened the door to the room, we were all in awe! It felt like I had entered a new portal, but one with lots of rare flowers in pots, golden walls, a silver fountain, glittery big beds, a giant glow in the dark fish fountain, expensive paintings from famous artists, chandeliers, you can name it! I felt like I was in a mansion! But better! Queen Lea and King Leo are so generous! Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't mind staying here for longer!

We slept there for the night and woke up pretty early in the morning to continue our mission! We thanked the King and Queen once again and headed our way outside.

"Well, where do we go now," I asked?

End of Chapter 7

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now