Chapter 14: Goodbyes

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As soon as we reached the end of the portal, we didn't land on Earth, but in Emeraldo. And not just anywhere in Emeraldo. We landed in King Leo and Queen Lea's palace! Right in front of them!

As soon as they saw us, they smiled.

"Greetings!" The King and Queen said cheerfully.

"Hello!" We all replied. "How are you doing?"

"We are doing great!" The Queen replied. "What about you girls? I think I'm getting some happy smiles, and so I think there's some good news!"

"Yup!" Lada said. "Face has been defeated! And right now, he's stuck in his own prison area!"

"Oh my!" The King said happily. "That is incredible news! We should call for a ceremony, Lea! Don't you think? And of course, you girls deserve great rewards and prizes for your hard work and patience."

"Oh, um, thank you so much!" Avery said. "We appreciate it a lot!"

"We are the ones that are supposed to thank you!" The Queen said. "I am so proud of all of you!"

"Thank you!" We all replied.

"You're welcome!" The Queen and King said.

"Did you girls realize why you needed that fake Emerald?" The King asked, smiling.

"Yup!" Zoey replied. "We appreciate it very much! We couldn't have done it without you and Queen Lea!

Lada and Amilya stared into the King's and Queen's eyes proudly and happily. They were so excited to go home after four and a half months! But they sure would miss the King and Queen. Leo and Lea were like their mother and father when they were in Frestildia. And Melody was their guide and best friend. Well, now it was time for them to say goodbye. It was time for all of us. Both Amilya and Lada hugged the King and Queen one for time before going back home.

"I'm going to miss you," The Queen said while hugging Amilya.

"You both did very well," The King said while hugging Lada.

"We wish all of you a better future!" The King and Queen both said happily. "Have a great life!"

"Thank you a lot!" All of us said one last time. "Bye!"

"No problem!" The Queen replied. "Goodbye!"

The King formed a portal through his magic. There it was! The portal that'll take us back home! It was right in front of us! This is what we've been waiting for! I could literally just run into it and enjoy life on Earth. And to also be more positive!

Before running into the portal, we huddled together and held on so we would jump together. All of a sudden, I saw Melody appear! Oh no! I forgot to say goodbye to her! But thank goodness she came. But for some reason, she didn't look very visible. It looked like you could run through her and not feel anything. And she was floating in the air.

"Melody?" I asked.

"Yes, Tooba." Melody replied. "I am here for you! To see how happy you are to g0 home!"

Her voice sounded echoey. And I couldn't hear anyone else's voice except for hers.

"Well, thank you for everything!" I said happily. "You were a real guide, and thanks a lot for sending Amilya and Lada! They are true advisors. I know you will miss them."

"Not just them!" Melody echoed. "I will miss you and all of your friends as well!"

"So will I!" I replied.

"I will see you one day!" Melody said smiling. "I know it! For now, bye!"

"Bye!" I said smiling.

Melody took her hand out in front of her. I smiled even brighter then took my hand out as well. She shaked my hand and I shaked hers!

"Salute!" Melody said.

"Salute, Melody!" I said. "Salute!"

She closed her eyes and disappeared.

"Where were you, Tooba?" Avery asked.

"Oh, sorry!" I said, embarrassed a bit. "I'm ready! Let's go! On my count! Three! Two! One! JUMP!!!"

And we jumped into the portal! I was so ready to go home! We all were!

End of Chapter 14

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now