Chapter 13: The final battle

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We were falling through the portal again, screaming. You won't believe it but Face was screaming so loud! Again! After throwing a billion burgers at Face at the lake's shore, he started screaming again after he was hydrated. Honestly, we were too. But we weren't screaming like crows. We were whisper screaming.

After about three minutes of screaming, we landed in Walus, of course.

"Hey, what are you doing at my precious castle?!" Face asked angrily. "Guards!! Omar! Ashton!"

"Wait?" Zoey said, confused. "What just happened? Didn't we gain the white pearl's power?"

"We did," Lada reassured. "It's just that the Golden Emerald is a very precious jewel, and to get it requires some actual thinking. The items and friends are supposed to help a little but it can't just reveal everything to you. It's like a test. Before it, there are guides and help for you, but then in the actual test, you have to complete it without any help. If we're gonna use items to actually help us, it can only be used once in that way."

"Oh, thanks for telling me," Zoey said, understanding.

"Guys, we need to run now!" Lada told both Zoey and I. "Face and his sidekicks will arrive anytime now!"

We started to run to, um, I don't know where actually. We were just trying to make sure Face or his guards didn't catch us. All of a sudden, I had another great idea! The necklace! The turquoise necklace! I think it would provide us with the power of invisibility! And let me say why. The turquoise necklace is basically two colors, which has a higher chance of giving us more than one power. Besides, the color blue symbolizes intelligence (which we need), freedom (which makes sense because you can be freed when no one can see you), and space. And the color green represents a nature lover, money and luck (which makes it an even higher chance)! I think it was worth a try. But wait! Where was Zoey and Lada?


Amilya, Chloe and Avery were so sad, angry and tired. But then suddenly, Chloe saw Face! He had entered the prison area! But Face had some sort of surprise for them. He wasn't just alone. In front of him was poor Zoey! She had a thick rope tied around her. Amilya, Chloe and Avery felt sad but also relieved. If they had seen Zoey, it probably means that Lada and I were close by. But wait, if Face or any of his guards didn't catch Lada, then where was she?


As I was saying, I was gaining the turquoise necklace's power. I first wore the necklace around my neck, and then closed my eyes. I could feel the power! I was gaining it! I just had one last thing to do: Find Lada! And now, I could become invisible! But whenever I wanted to just show my actual self, I had to take off the necklace. I ran to look for Lada.

"Lada!" I screamed. "Where are you? Lada!"

I was looking for Lada for over twenty minutes, and I decided to do something else instead. I will go inside Face's castle and try to see if they captured Amilya, Chloe, Avery, Zoey or Lada.

As I walked up to the castle, I saw two guards on each side of the castle doors. But that wasn't a problem since I was invisible! I quickly grabbed a rock from the ground and ran up to the doors. I stood on one side of the door and threw the rock on the other side on the ground. As soon as I did that, both guards looked in the direction I threw the rock in. This was my chance to go into the castle without them noticing! I quickly opened one of the doors to a quarter and slipped in!

Once I was inside the castle's courtyard, I looked around for their prison. If they had one (Which they probably did), they would bring Amilya and the rest of the girls to a prison cell. I looked around and saw a small prison area with prison cells in the corner. It looked pretty spooky. And there was another guard there too. But I needed to investigate! I did the same trick I did at the castle's main doors with those two guards. Got a rock, threw it in the opposite direction I was standing in and sneak in! And that is what I did!

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now