Chapter 4: Finding Melody

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I remember the 'giant' silver rock that I bumped into when I was rushing to go see what Avery had found.

"I know where the giant rock is!" I exclaimed.

I explained to Avery how I had discovered the giant rock when I was hurrying to see what Avery had found. I dragged her to that humongous rock and looked around it. Everywhere we looked, our only response was:

"*Cricket!*" "*Cricket!*"

But after some very confused looks, the paper started glowing and talking again:

O dear friends

Do not be confused

I, the paper

Shall help you.

You are in the heart of the forest

The whole forest

Treat this special rock the same

It's the truth, honest.

"How do we treat this rock like we're in its heart?" I asked.

"Dunno," Avery replied.

We sat down on the ground and thought for a moment to try to solve the problem.

After about a minute or so, Avery jumped up like a rocket ship and scared me out of my nerves.

"I GOT IT!" she screamed, exclaimed and grinned at the same time.

"Don't you think Melody could be IN the rock?"

"ARE YOU KA-RAY-ZEE?!" I shouted.

"Well think about it," she explained. "The paper told us that we're in Frestildia and that it's a magical and fantasial place. It could be possible...!"

I thought about it for a minute. Avery is right. There is a chance that it's possible.

"But if it's true, are we supposed to chisel the rock?" I asked. "Because if so, that'll take us hours."

Suddenly, Avery and I both heard a big rust of wind and someone appeared in front of us. Luckily this girl looked very friendly and wasn't a villain. She had short black hair and was a tiny bit skinny and tall. She looked like a gymnast, but also a calm person.

"Heeeeyyyy!" Avery said amused.

"Hello dear friends!" the girl replied. "I'm Melody! Welcome to Frestildia! You girls have succeeded part one of your mission and are ready to move on to the next."

"Um, excuse me, but how many parts are there to our mission?" I asked curiously and nervously.

"There are six total parts to it," Melody replied.

Six!? I thought I was gonna die here.

"Don't worry though," Melody replied. "You have already completed part one and there is lots of help coming on the way. This first part was just to get you familiar with Frestildia and make you believe its magic. Good job Avery for sharing your opinion about believing in Frestildia's magic, and good job Tooba for at least thinking about it. Do you girls have the silver key with you?"

"Yes," I replied.

I handed the silver key to Melody.

"This proves that you completed part one of your mission," Melody said.

"Melody, how come you couldn't just appear earlier when we were looking for you?" I asked.

"Because part one of your mission is to believe in Frestildia's magic," Melody replied.

"Melody, can you read people's minds and know what they're thinking about?" Avery asked.

"Fortunately, yes," Melody replied. "Girls, Lada and Amilya will be your trusty advisors for this mission."

Two girls suddenly appeared in front of us. They looked friendly too.

"Hello!" the two girls said at the same time.

"I'm Lada and I'm eleven years old," said the first girl with orange(ish), red(ish) hair.

Lada was the kind of person you would want to be friends with. Her favorite color is purple, just like mine. She looked perfect for her age and she told me that her parents are from Russia. So cool!

"And I'm Amilya!" the other girl said with blonde hair.

And Amilya, the other girl, seemed a bit of a quiet person, but also a very fun and funny type of person. She was wearing a toque, and looked like she was never gonna take it off. But she also seemed friendly.

"Hi!" Avery and I replied back. "We're Tooba and Avery."

"Now that you girls have introduced yourselves," Melody said.

"Tooba and Avery's part two of their mission will start now!"

Before disappearing, Melody handed the silver key back to us, then disappeared.

"Well, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Melody has told us that part two of our mission is to find help from friends," Lada said.

"Our? I pondered out loud, confused.

They both sighed. "Yeah," said Amilya. "We're also from planet Earth. We've been in Frestildia for four months, and we're very familiar with the places."

Avery and I suddenly became very anxious. What if we get stuck here for a very long time like Lada and Amilya? How will we survive?

"Don't worry though!" Lada said. "That won't happen to you girls because you have the paper that guides you to the Emerald."

Amilya and Lada both gave Avery and I thumbs-ups. I sighed but smiled back. At least I hope that was true.

End of Chapter 4

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now