Chapter 3: Welcome to Frestildia

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Once the magic portal sucked us up, Avery and I landed in the middle of nowhere. Luckily, while we were falling into the portal, I kept my balance and catched the white piece before it stayed on Earth. Avery looked at the piece of paper and examined it.

I wailed desperately: "How are we supposed to go back to beloved Earth?"

"Calm down Tooba!"Avery replied. "Maybe if we find the Emerald, it'll take us home."

I was so angry, I couldn't help myself. Suddenly the paper in Avery's hand glowed and recited:

Listen carefully my dear friends

'Cause if you don't it'll be the end.

You have landed in Frestildia,

The magical place of fantasy.

The only way to go back to earth

Is to find the Emerald nice and shiny.

Now listen up alrighty

And get ready to be mighty!

Walk straight into the forest

And find a small silver rock

Near some bushes and some chalk

There you will find a silver key

That you will use when you find someone named Melody

The glowing stopped, and Avery and I were speechless. After thinking about trusting the paper, Avery and I decided that we will let it guide us.

"I forgot what the paper said, though," Avery said.

"Unfortunately, I did too," I added.

The paper started talking again:

Now listen up alrighty

And get ready to be mighty!

Walk straight into the forest

And find a small silver rock

Near some bushes and some chalk

There you will find a silver key

That you will use when you find someone named Melody.

"Well, I guess we walk straight into the forest," I decided.

We walked deep into the forest. As we were walking, we saw many trees as well as lots of birds and butterflies. It didn't look like one of those creepy dark forests you have entered. It was actually pretty peaceful and calm. The weather was perfect. It wasn't too cold or hot. Just perfect. I don't think many people live here. What was the name again? Oh yeah! Frestildia!

After walking for about 10 minutes, we reached a small clearing. There were lots of rocks, bushes and a bit of chalk on the ground. We decided to get going. Avery decided to check the left side of the clearing and I checked the right.

"Don't forget," I told Avery. "We're looking for a small silver


After about 5 minutes or so, Avery called me over. I rushed over and checked to see what she found. As I was running, I hit a giant silver rock.

"Ow!" I complained.

"Tooba come here!" I heard Avery shout.

"Coming!" I replied.

I went running to see what she found. There it was, the most beautiful small silver rock! Avery had found it! And that small rock

had some chalk and bushes beside and around it! This was it! This had to be the rock!

"Nice job Avery!" I exclaimed.

Now we were supposed to find a silver key, but it wasn't that hard because we already knew where the silver rock was, and the paper had said that you will find the key, when you find the rock. We found the key in a minute! It was under the small rock. Pretty simple to find.

"How do we use the key," Avery asked?

The paper started talking:

Find Melody!

Then you will defeat your enemy!

Find Melody!

So that you may leave this place unharmed and happily!

Melody will solve your problems

Trust me she will

All you have to do

Is go find her

But I'll give you a hint if you're seriously confused

That will surely make you amused

She is somewhere around a giant rock

Not far from where you are

"A giant rock?" I whispered to myself...

End of Chapter 3

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now