Chapter 6: Face attacks

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Suddenly, we heard footsteps approaching us. We stayed silent and got ready to get out of the tent. We all went out and saw three figures approaching us and surrounding us. Amilya and Lada looked like they had seen a ghost! One of the humans that were approaching us had light brown hair and looked pretty dumb. The other one had curly dark brown hair and looked like a clown. And the tallest, most terrifying one had very shiny hair. Actually he was completely bald!

"We have to leave everything right here right now!" Amilya said. "It's Face, and his sidekicks!"

We left everything right there, where we pitched our tent, and took off running. I quickly put on my shoes. So did Avery, Chloe and Lada. But poor Zoey was so frightened, she was shocked by this happening and she was left behind. So she quickly put on one flip flop, but then Ashton got her other pair and she had no choice but to run off with us! Wallace's sidekicks were following us while Face himself was enjoying our marshmallows with smores. We kept running because Face's sidekicks were following us, but suddenly, Zoey felt something sting her bare foot.

"Ow!" Zoey groaned.

"You ok?" I quickly asked.

"Yeah. I think I'm fine," she replied.

As Zoey stood up, she looked around and saw what had hurt her foot: a golden ring! She quickly picked it up and continued running. I followed. Soon, we reached a very tall rocky wall that we couldn't escape because Face's sidekicks were blocking the entrance and exit.

"Who are you and what do you want from us?" I asked furiously.

"We are master Face's fighters!" The boy with the curly hair replied. "Omar, and Ashton!"

"Yeah!" Ashton said.

The paper started glowing again:

Stop what you're doing

Look in your friend's hand

Admire what they hold

And use it to save Frestildia and its land

I looked in Lada's hand, in Amilya's, in Avery's, Chloe's and in Zoey's. I saw something glittery in Zoey's hand!

"Zoey, what do you have in your hand?" I asked.

"It's the golden ring," she whispered.

"Gimme it!" I demanded from her. "I know what I'm doing."

Zoey gave me the ring and I got it from her. I didn't know what to do next, and so the paper (Melody) started talking:

All you have to do now

Is to gain the ring's power

You have a specific time for that

It's about an hour

Just to finish part two, actually three of your mission.

Your part two was finding two more friends which you did

And now you are becoming a better superstition

All you have to do

Is to hold the ring and embrace it tightly

I'll tell you what'll happen when you do so

Something special is going to happen, very brightly

I did what the paper told me to do. I held the ring very tightly and tried to gain its power. I can't believe I actually did! The ring was glowing very brightly and I felt so powerful! Omar and Ashton were looking at me in awe. Avery also looked at me in awe, happiness and seemed proud of me. Zoey and Chloe kept on cheering. Amilya and Lada just seemed happy that Avery and I were becoming better at magic and fantasy. Suddenly, I had the ability to fly!

I quickly grabbed Avery, Lada, Amilya, Zoey and Chloe by the arm. But as soon as they touched my arm, they also had the ability to fly! We all flew up into the night sky! It was so fun! It was truly a miraculous night! It was, like, the best! Especially when we saw the confused and amazed looks on Omar and Ashton's faces (Oh yeah! Forgot about Face the human). We flew into the night sky and reached Camgruelta way quicker than if we had walked! Now we were ready for part four.

Going to Emeraldo and finding the Golden Emerald! Almost ready to go back home! Almost....and almost means a lot.

End of Chapter 6

The Magic Portal - By: Tooba NazariWhere stories live. Discover now