Dec 10th; Snowball Fight

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I Do not own any of the characters or places mentioned, I am just having a bit of fun with them for a little while!

This story was written in correlation with MagicofNarnia's posted prompt list, which also does not belong to me.

Peter age, 14
Edmund age, 12

Edmund peeked out from behind the tree and watched his brother coming up the snowy path towards him, and the castle behind him.

Peter was completely unaware that he was being watched, and instead seemed to be deep in thought about something. For if their was one thing Peter hated to waste, it was time, so he often did his thinking while on the way from one thing to another.

In this case, he had just come back from his afternoon ride and was now on his way to his next meeting, which of course made him the perfect target for a snowball.

Edmund took careful aim at Peter's chest and let his snowball fly.

It hit him with a wet sounding, "thump", with most of the snow falling to the ground at Peter's feet, leaving some still clinging to his shirt.

Peter was snapped out of thoughts by the sudden cold feeling that hit his chest.

He glanced quickly around and saw Edmunds head poking out from behind a tree about ten feet away.

Edmund wore that infamous grin of his that never failed to make Peter smirk, even when he was annoyed with him. Like right now.

"Edmund, you do know I have a meeting to get to, right!"

"Of course I do, Peter. I just wanted to have some fun!" Edmund replied with that cheeky grin, still in full force.

Peter sighed, his annoyed attitude was not having much effect because he was unable to stop smiling.

Edmunds grin got wider, for he knew what his brother was trying to do, and why he was unsuccessful.

Suddenly Edmund launched another snowball and although Peter tried to duck, he still got snow on his pants.

Peter glared half-heartedly at Edmund and knelt down and rolled his own snowball and threw it.

"Oh, so it's a fight now, is it!" Edmund cried gleefully, taking up another snowball from his prepared pile.

This went on for several minutes before Peter held up his hands in surrender say, "All right, all right, I really do have to get to my meeting now."

Then added with a grin, "Thanks for the snowball fight though!"

Edmund just laughed.

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