Dec 12th; Home for Christmas

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I Do not own any of the characters or places mentioned, I am just having a bit of fun with them for a little while!

This story was written in correlation with MagicofNarnia's posted prompt list, which also does not belong to me.

Peter age, 16

Peter rode his horse up to the stables and dismounted. After stabling his horse and rubbing him down, he walked towards the castle.

It was snowing faintly, and the ground already had a light dusting of snow over it, the sky dark and overcast above it.

He had only just made it in the door when he was gang piled by by his little sister, who was excitedly shouting his name.

Grinning broadly, he replied, "It's good to see you Lucy, did you miss me?"

"Oh, yes Peter, I did!" She squeezed him tightly, and stepped away, still smiling broadly.

Then Susan was there, and she too engulfed him in an excited hug.

"Hello Peter! It's wonderful to have you home again!"

"Yes, it is wonderful to be home for Christmas! I have missed you all so much!"

Susan stood back next to Lucy and smiled happily at the next person who came forward.

Edmund was next, and he also hugged his older brother, winking at him as he did so.

Peter smirked back in return saying, "What have you got up you're sleeve this time, little brother?"

Edmund just grinned replied, "Who says anything but my arm is up there? Maybe I'm just getting you suspicious for nothing, brother!

Peter laughed in response.

Then Peter turned at last Alex, who was standing a little off to the side, patiently awaiting his turn.

"Come on Alex, get over here!" Peter said laughingly to him.

Alex grinned, and stepping forward, Peter easily engulfed Alex's small body in a big hug.

"It never ceases to amaze me how small you are, brother!" Peter teased him.

"Well you know, it never ceases to amaze me how much you underestimate it, in sword fighting practice, brother!" Alex replied with smirk.

"Oh, sure that's what you remember!" Peter said with a halfhearted snort.

Alex threw his head back and laughed, it's sound ringing through the air like a bell.

Peter looked about at his family, smiling and laughing together as if they had all never been apart.

Yes, he thought. It really is wonderful, to home for Christmas.

Christmas Short Story PromptsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora