Dec 21st; Down The Chimney

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I Do not own any of the characters or places mentioned, I am just having a bit of fun with them for a little while!

This story was written in correlation with MagicofNarnia's posted prompt list, which also does not belong to me.

Alex age, 13
Peter age, 16

"Peter, why are we doing this?"

"Because Alex, I promised this family of rabbits that they could meet you."

"But why is it all important that they meet me? And right now, of all times!"

"Well I admit, it is getting pretty cold out and snow is kind of deep, but we're most of the way there now, we might as well continue."

"How is that you managed to answer my question, without actually giving me what I asked for?"

"I'm The High King, that's why."

"Oh, so now you pull rank on me! Seriously Peter, what is with you, today?"

Peter grinned at Alexander and replied with a cheeky smile, "It's a special gift only given to older brothers!"

Alexander glared furiously at Peter and replied with a snort, "Ok, so at least now that we have determined older brothers and High Kings are pompous, self-righteous, all important, braggerds; can we get back to the topic at hand? Just please tell me why it's important that I meet this rabbit family, and why on earth you you were so quick to offer them a chance to meet me?"

Peter grinned in reply saying, "Oh wouldn't you like to know! I can just bet you're dying with curiosity aren't you, oh great detective!"

"If you weren't my brother, I would say this situation seems very fishy. Although then again, the same logic could be applied in the opposite way; the reason I should suspect something fishy, is BECAUSE, your my brother. Which means, for all I know, you going to dump me down a burrow that's home to a dumb skunk!"

"Peter just laughed and replied, "I would never do that to you, Alex!"

"Right, well, we'll just see won't we, since it doesn't appear that your going to tell me anytime soon."

Peter let his silence to Alexander's question be the agreement to his statement.

Secretly the brothers enjoyed these exchanges of insults and making witty comebacks. Though they would of course never admit it to anyone, least of all themselves, they really did care about each other.

Less then half an hour they arrived at their destination, or at least what Peter said was their destination, anyway.

Alexander took one look at the place and said to his brother, "All right Peter, what's this all about?"

Alexander shifted his feet so that he was directly facing Peter, only in doing so, he caused the snow-covered ground beneath him to give way!

Alex gave a cry of surprise as he staggered backwards, and hit the ground with a soft thud.

Alexander glared up at the astonished Peter and exploded, "So this is what you brought me out here for? To have me fall in a hole!"

He tried to stand but instead, fell back with a cry of pain.

"Are you ok, Alex!" Peter asked, worriedly.

Alex frowned, "What do you mean, "Am I ok?" I sprained my ankle pretty good, no thanks to you!"

Peter sighed in resignation and asked, "Do you want to try walking on it?"

"I just tried that, and it did not seem to work. How are we going to find shelter? It's not like either of us can fit down the chimney of someone's house, like Santa!"

Peter smiled wryly and replied, "At least you haven't lost your sense of humor!"

Alex gave him a look of mock surprise, "Like I would ever do such a thing!"

Suddenly from out of the snow, a small head appeared, "Excuse me, do you think you could get out of our doorway?"

Then the rabbit actually looked at them and gasped in excitement and it disappeared back in its hole again with a shout, "Hey, everybody, The High King and his brother, Lord Alexander are here!"

Alex looked completely astonished and a little embarrassed at this outburst.

Looking at Peter he asked, "What's the big deal about me?"

Peter grinned and replied, "I told them you could fit in their rabbit hole! Although now it seems both of us have too go down the - umm, chimney!"

Peter and Alexander both started laughing then, at that mental picture!

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