Dec 22nd; By The Fire

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I Do not own any of the characters or places mentioned, I am just having a bit of fun with them for a little while!

This story was written in correlation with MagicofNarnia's posted prompt list, which also does not belong to me.

Peter age, 15

It had been a long day for the Kings and Queens of Narnia, since it was only a couple of days before Christmas. And after a long stressful day, they were all just sitting by the fire and and enjoying the peace and quite.

Peter was especially glad for the break because he had sat in his office chair for hours signing a monotonous stack of papers.

It started with his morning ride with his sisters, followed by breakfast with all of his siblings.

After that, was training from Oreus the centaur, with Alex and Edmund.

Then all five of them sat in court together so that their subjects could ask them questions.

Then they had lunch and separated; Susan to the ballroom to continue preparing for the Christmas ball; Edmund back to the throne room to begin hearing court cases; Lucy went off to begin visiting their subjects to see if anything was needed; Alexander to the less formal throne room to listen to any mysteries their subjects might have; and Peter to his office to read and sign a rather large stack of papers.

They all finished with their duties late that night, so they just decided to hang out in their personal sitting room and relax.

No one spoke, for there was no need. The fire warmed the room and gave them all a cozy feeling that made them sleepy and rather reluctant to get up and go to bed.

They all savored the comfortable silence of the room, wishing that the it could go on forever.

For it was by the fire, they were all happy and together, with no responsibilities or obligations to fulfill.

And all of those worries and to-do lists, just fell away into nothing, with all what-ifs and obligations gone like snow that melts in the heat of the sun.

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