Dec 14th; The Ice Cracks......

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I Do not own any of the characters or places mentioned, I am just having a bit of fun with them for a little while!

This story was written in correlation with MagicofNarnia's posted prompt list, which also does not belong to me.

Edmund age, 14
Lucy age, 12

"Keep running Lucy, don't stop!"

"How many many are there, Edmund?"

"Five, at least five!"

Down a small path, weaving in and around trees, ran Lucy with Edmund following.

Behind them, and gaining fast was a group of fell wolves intent on catching themselves a couple of young monarchs.

"Run, run, little rabbits! We'll still catch you!" Mocked one of the wolves."

Suddenly, the trees stopped and Lucy saw that she was on the bank of a frozen river.

Quickly skidding to a stop before she could fall through the ice, she glanced behind her, at her brother.

Edmund came to a stop beside her, looking surprised.

Glancing behind them at the approaching  wolves, he tested the ice and found it to be solid enough.

Grabbing his sisters hand, they carefully advanced out onto the ice.

They were most of the way over the frozen river when the wolves stepped onto the ice.

There was an ominous "creak" as the weight of two kids and six wolves weakened the ice.

Edmund and Lucy faced their adversaries, with Edmund drawing his sword, and Lucy her knife.

The lead wolf laughed mockingly saying, "Do you really think one sword and a knife will be of any help to you? You are heavily outnumbered, and standing on, "Thin ice," in more then one sense!"

The other wolves laughed in response to this last statement and Edmund glared at them, saying, "They're still enough to kill at least two of you, so if you don't go away and leave us alone, you'll be sorry!" Edmund warned.

"Like we would ever take the warning of a human, a traitor no less, seriously! Mocked the wolf.

"Edmunds not a traitor! Alsan redeemed  him, and some of you were probably there to see him do it!" Lucy cried indignantly.

The lead wolf snorted contemptuously and replied, "A traitor is always a traitor, girl! For in his redemption by The Lion, he still betrayed her majesty! And for that, he shall die!"

The wolf than leapt at Edmund with a snarl and Edmund raised his sword and swung at its head.

Their was a yelp of pain and the wolf fell back, landing dead at the feet of the other wolves.

But before any of the other wolves could react, their was a loud "crack" from the weight of the dead wolf smashing onto it.

Then the other five wolves were plunged into the icy water, with yelps of terror.

Feeling the ice collapsing beneath him, Edmund grabbed Lucy's arm and jumped for the snow covered shore a couple of feet away.

They landed in the snow on the shore with a thump.

They sat up slowly, examining themselves for injuries.

Looking up at Lucy, Edmund asked, "Are you ok, Lucy?"

Lucy grinned at him saying, "Of course I am, are you?"

Edmund smiled in response, "Right as rain!"

Then they laughed and Lucy exclaimed, "Those wolves just never seem to learn that when the ice cracks, it's them that should run!"

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