chapter 5 : family dinner

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Here's the corrected version:

Some days passed, and they talked a little about how they could organize their lives now that they are keeping the baby:

Keith will go into space for five days a week. He will come back every night by Teludav or with Kosmo. Sometimes, if the Blades had a big mission, he could stay in space for weeks. For Pidge, she will shorten her days. She'll finish at 4 pm sometimes, but when the baby comes, she won't be working the first week, and the rest of the time, Keith will stay at home to care for it. (She'll start at 6 am.) She won't work every day. After all, she is Commander Holt. Plus, if she is not available, her brother can take her place for the day. She knew that; he is also a commander. Yes, there are 3 Commander Holts. Well, maybe just two soon? I mean, Commander Kogane?


"Hey, Kat'?"


Pidge looked at her boyfriend.

"When are we telling the others? I mean, our families and friends?"

"Well... we didn't even figure out a name... though we could tell the guys. For my parents, I'm not sure. I mean, my mom will be so upset that I didn't tell her before and that I didn't talk with her about keeping the baby, but I'm not sure... telling them that I have a boyfriend and that I'm pregnant? For Krolia, I don't really care; we can tell her. But for my family..."

"It's okay, but I think you should really tell your parents before you start your second month."

"Yeah... who do we tell first?"

"Your parents... after, we'll see my mom, and then our friends..."

"Okay... when?"

"This week? Tomorrow? Soon?"

"Hold on..."

Pidge took her phone and went to her family group on WhatsApp.

"Hi, everyone!! It's been a while since the last time we had a family dinner. Do you guys want to have dinner this week??"

Pidge sent.

Colleen instantly answered:

"You want a family dinner? What's wrong? Do you have something to tell us?"

"Nooo... I just miss you, Mamma..."

Pidge answered, albeit lying, because sure, she loves her mom and wants to see her a lot, but "miss"?...

"Sure... you have something to tell us. Come home tomorrow; I'll make dinner."

"Ok! Can I bring a friend? Keith? He is coming back to Earth, and I'm kind of interested in what the Blades did. I'm sure Dad would want to hear about it too."

"Sure, bring Krolia too. Matt, are R7 and you coming?"

"Of course! See you tomorrow."

Matt answered.

"Great, then come at 6 pm."

Pidge dropped her phone.

"Okay, we're invited to my parents' house tomorrow, and your mother too..."

"MY MOM?!"

"Hey, I'm not the one who invited her; my mom did. It's not that bad, though... at least, we can tell your mom at the same time?"

"sigh Sure..."

Keith hugged Pidge.

"It's going to be hard? How are we even supposed to tell them?"

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