chapter 8 : 7.5

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It was night and Keith and Pidge were sleeping.

Pidge was 7.5 month pregnant, so she had a really big belly by now. She sometimes felt pain because of her pregnancy and this was normal! And that night was a perfect exemple of this...

Pidge groaned and wako up. She was feeling an horrible pain on the lowest part of her belly and in her back. It was a really strong pain so she was almost crying.

"haa... fuck..."
She tried to breath slowly but nothing changed, she was feeling so bad, tired and was sufering.

After some minutes, she decided to wake Keith up.

"Keith... Keith!"

"what?.." He sat up, half awaked .

"... Im suffering right now..."

"What's happening?.. take your time..."
He sits next to her and puts a hand on her cheek.

"My back and my belly are hurting so bad........ I've never felt like that before..."

"What can I do to help?"

- can you bring me something hot to put on my stomach and my back please ..........
pidge was trying to stoy calm but you could clearly see that she was suffering .

keith kisses her forehead before to go get what she asked for .

-here you go .

-thanks honey.... im so tired ... i don't know if I'll sleep again tonight ... it hurts too much..

-i'll stay awake until you fall alsleep .

-no ... im sorry I waked you up , you realy don't have to...

-do you think I will let my girlfriend suffer all alone like that ?


-relax , you need to . I'll make you feel better . L'ets cuddle in front of the tv ?

-youre tired , you need to sleep .
Pidge grabed keith's face .

-nhaaa im fine . You need to sleep . If you want me to sleep , then sleep . I won't do it until you do .
She can't negociate .

-shut up and turn on the tv . Im telling you that I wont sleep anymore .

Keith doesn't answere and turn's on the tv . He grabs pidge on his arms and start caressing her haires . He thought that he could make her sleep and he was right . After a few minutes , she just fell alsleep again . Guess her pain was over .
keith kisses her forhead and tried to sleep too .

The next day , pidge wakes up first . For her , it was a mission to get up but she manadged to .

As for keith , he was never realy sleeping . Never . He was most of the time alf asleep because he was keeping an eye on is girlfriend . he wasnt realy tired .. guess it's because of his galra genetic .when Pidge stood up , she released a deap breath , holding her tum .

-had a good sleep ?
keith said turning to his girlfriend .

-nah . You ?

-like a baby . Are you feeling better ?

- well , I still feel a little pain down my back but I Guess i'll be fine ...

-ok , do you need something ?

-nahhhh ... ho and by the way , today im going to my parent's house .. you can come if you want . I will take some stufs a t the garrisson too ... not everyone knows about my pregnancy out there ... also , for the people that knows about it , they didn't saw me .. I guess it'll be fun to go .

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