Chapter 3: Blood in the Water

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Chloe's Pov

I twitched for a second, my fingers were moving back and forth, again and again, knowing that I'm alive. It was still dark as my eyes were closed tight. Slowly opening them halfway and was welcomed by a bit of light, which brought me a bit of hope. My mind was waking up from a rough sleep as it unravelled some memories from last night. The three men from last night attacked me, and then I suddenly collapsed. When I open my eyes fully, I first was welcome by a lonely light that was hanging above me from the ceiling.

Once, my mind was actively awake, I scanned around my surroundings. My only view was only darkness that coiled around me in a circle. The air was perfumed by thick coldness. Soon, I realised that my wrists were handcuffed to the arms of a wooden chair that I was surprisingly sitting on. I tried pulling them off but the cold, metal handcuffs were slightly soring my wrists. My feet were chained so I tried standing up and moving the chair, however it was one of those chairs that get stuck heavily on the floor. There was a table in front of me with a large, black book laying in the centre.

"Help! I'm here!" I screamed with all of the air I held in my lungs. I swing my wrist up and down to bang the handcuffs hard against the wooden armchairs, so they could make so noise. I continued screaming, "Someone! Please! Help me!"

My mind was spinning in fear, thinking this is where I am going to die. Die in a dark, unknown place where no one will definitely not find me. I noticed my screams didn't echo as long, clueing that I'm trapped in a small room. I suddenly felt like the room was getting smaller and small, and darker and darker. Luckily, I don't have claustrophobia, yet it was making me panic even harder and increase my fear of dying. After a minute, my lungs were already dried out. I finally calmed down a bit and scanned around the darkness again yet there was nothing that would clue me about where I am, or who is behind this, or what I could do to get myself out of here. Still, there was nothing else to view but the darkness itself. After a second, my eyes rolled back to the black book on the table, I lean in a bit forward to see if there was any writing on it. Fortunately, the handcuffs were long enough for me to reach over and only touch the bottom sides of the book. Feeling the cold, pointy edge already drove cold chills down my spine.

The tip of my fingers dipped underneath the front cover and slowly turned its cover. At the start, there were sheets of paper based on the Chicago Fire in 1871. An old newspaper front cover written about the fire glowed at the top of the page, with a short map based in the city. Confusion was painted all over my face, I couldn't understand what was the meaning of all this. Until my eyes slide to the other page on the left side and a page with a long checking list. I only looked at the list for a second and thought it was worthless. Until there was a name written in the centre of the list, one name that stuck with me like lighting, "Lucifer Morningstar."

My heart skipped a beat and my throat froze coldly as I held my breathe. Leaning forward to see if my mind isn't illuminating my eyes to make me see things. However, the name was written true on the list. I shook my head shortly thinking this was some kind of sick joke, this has to be. I turned the page quickly hoping there aren't more jokes to illustrate me. On the next double-spread pages, the left page was covered with pictures of Nazi Germany. This time I wasn't just seeing, there was a picture at the top with Adolf Hitler and his Nazi aristocrats, and Lucifer was there in the crowd.

"What the hell?" I gasped, literally the air in my lungs froze coldly.

I couldn't understand, why was Lucifer there. He looked the same, young and smart, around the same age. This is impossible, it has to be. Lucifer couldn't be in this picture, he would a like hundred years old right now. My head shook more as I couldn't take this sick joke anymore. The coldness began flowing through my entire bloodstream and my heart was beating faster and faster. Till I felt a hand on my shoulder.

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