Chapter 9: Haven't Figured It Out

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Lucifer's Pov

The evening sky was painted with a sleepy orange, yet it felt cold to me, yet it probably felt colder and darker than any evening, or even when I was staying in Hell. The streets of L.A were crowded with families and couples, my mind pictured the detective and her little offspring together happily. But now that picture was splitting apart in blue flames. I could imagine the urchin non-stop questioning Maze about her mother, and I wouldn't blame her. Her tiny mind must be drowning in pain for not knowing where or why her mother was nowhere to be seen. My compassion grew for the child, and a little for Maze if she listens to the child's long questionnaire. The problem was I couldn't imagine the detective, where she was, what was happening to her, or how she must be feeling right now, I still couldn't imagine.

Daniel and I drove through the streets heading to a CCTV control building where they kept all eyes on the streets of L.A. Daniel ordered a check on any of the CCTV cameras that were viewing parts of the High Street, "L.A.P.D. We need to see your CCTV footage now."

One of the workers kindly lead us to the control room, dark but brightened by lots of computer and camera screens. "Can you go back to last night by the High Street?" Daniel commanded, and the workers did as they were ordered.

Rewinding the cameras back to last night, they showed all the angels from each camera that was based in the High Street like watching a large T.V screen which was split into multiple squares. Our focus was on the screens as our eyes switched from one camera shot to another, trying to find another unordinary. I locked my eyes on every screen one by one until I spotted a black car driving into one of the cameras. My eyes went narrow in suspicion, "Daniel" I alarmed his name to get his attention, but he finally walked over to my side.

"What is it?" he wondered about my suspicion.

I pointed to one of the camera shots with the black car, Daniel checked in notes about the description of the car from the suspects. He positively commented, "That's the one. That's the car"

We continued watching the CCTV video and other ones from different cameras that were close to the target area, after a minute or so, the black car was finally revealed once again. This time the black car stopped just outside of a small church. It stood there still and in silence until a door was open. Daniel and I leaned in forward like our view can be seen closer and clearer, yet the imaging was small and blurry. Two doors were from each side of the car, two men slide out in black clothing. I knew at that moment it was them, those bastard priests. We all knew it was true now from they walking to the back door of the car, opened it and carried a nice woman out. My heart skipped a beat, and dropped into freezing water, they were carrying the detective, my detective, unconscious to the church. My mind roared in rage thinking, "How could any of those stupid humans around not stop them?!" Yet, another side of my mind argued as I correctly remembered what Daniel stated from the crime scene before, "Most of the suspects believed she was drunk, so they thought the priests were helping her."

"Can you give us that location?" Daniel ordered from one of the controllers and they wrote down the address and handed it to him, he kindly replied "Thanks."

Daniel lead us out of the building and walked back fast to the car. I could feel the rush from Daniel as he was pressing the gas pedal deeply, and see the anxiousness and frustration beating fast throughout his red veins. While he was driving, Daniel unlocked a drawer in front of me and revealed a gun inside. "Right, if those psychos are in there, then you will need some protection" Daniel pointed.

"As much as I appreciate your caring offer Daniel" I responded by shutting the draw, "I much prefer going in calmly and not harm."

"Look man, I know you haven't used a gun before, but this is serious and knows what could happen" the Douche argued.

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