Chapter 15: Do You Deserve Me?

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Dan's Pov

This day is probably the toughest day of my life. First Chloe was kidnapped, and now she is in the hospital again, along with Lucifer, both thought to be dying from serious injuries. When Chloe was sleeping unconsciously for three months, my head was spinning around in torture visualising if Chloe died, thinking that I thought I was losing her forever. What made these months worse was that Trixie kept calling on my phone asking, "How's mummy? When is mummy coming home?" All of my answers were just "I don't know" and "Mummy needs time to heal" and "Soon, very soon." Every time I answer her questions with those answers I could Trixie huffing in grief and sadness, and it broke my heart deeply. Hearing my own daughter suffer not knowing whether she will see her mum again.

Fortunately, Chloe woke up like in that film "Sleepy Beauty," for the first time in those sufferable three months I could finally calmingly exhale and my heart can beat slowly. Chloe continued to rest in her hospital bed, we ate some lunch then eventually dinner, and we talk as it was great to hear her friendly voice again. When the evening finally arrived, I left Chloe alone to sleep more peacefully in her room. The night was quite light, so I walked outside to get myself some fresh air. I sat on a wooden chair and drank a cup of coffee.

"Hey" Charlotte walked unexpectedly over towards me. I knew she was visiting Chloe with Linda and Maze, but I thought she left right after to go home.

"Hi" my voice sounded breathless when I saw Charlotte.

Closely, she sat down next to me on the chair, and ask, "How's Chloe?"

"She's getting better, thank God" I answered.

"Yeah, thank God" Charlotte repeated, her eyes staring up at the darkish-orange night sky.

I gazed at Charlotte's beautiful face and I thought back to when Lucifer and I were investigating Chloe's kidnapping, we had a long chat in the car. We talk about how I kept myself quiet from Charlotte, how I repeated my excuses about giving Charlotte space and thinking that we were just friends and nothing else. I huffed to myself in annoyance because secretly Lucifer was actually right in our chat. I looked at Charlotte and took in long, deep breathes preparing for what I am going to say, but I think it could probably kill me.

"Charlotte" I breathed her name just to get her attention, when her eyes desirable eyes met mine the words got stuck in my throat and my head was starting to get sweaty, "I know that, um... We've been keeping things kind of loose, and I said that you could use your space. And if that's what you want if that's what you truly want, then I respect that."

I breathed a deep amount of air into my lungs to suck up enough courage for me to say the next few words, "But I never told you what I want."

Charlotte's eyes widen slightly in suspicion from my words, then I continued to move my mouth so that the words would come out from me, "I want you. All in. The whole deal. So, um, so there."

I could finally breathe calmly now that I have pour parts of my true emotions out. I watched Charlotte's face react; she was silent at first until Charlotte grew a small smile on her face. Her answer hits my ears, "Okay."

My face froze in confusion, "Really? Ah..."

Suddenly, Charlotte came forward and her lips were on mine. Her hands softly hold my head in place to kiss me passionately. When I kissed her back it felt like time around froze and somehow we were the only ones in the world, alone but in bliss. Charlotte pulled away too soon and breathed, "Hey you wanna... give it a go"

Charlotte nodded her head towards the hospital and I quickly caught her message, I asked, "In the hospital?"

She nodded with a wide grin, I widen my eyes in shock, but I quickly replied, "Okay."

Do You Deserve Me?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum