Chapter 12: Keeping You Safe

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Lucifer's Pov

Tonight was still dark and warm, even when I left Amenadiel at that bar after we had our long discussion. I rushed over to the small police station where Pierce and Daniel took the young priests, Oscar and Sam and question them in order to find where the detective is. I still remembered my argument with the detective earlier tonight, and we both ended up broken-hearted, with the detective walking away from me after calling me a monster, and me standing alone knowing I will probably never see her again.

Once, I arrived at the small police station I saw Daniel talking with some police officers by the corner, I gaze at the quiet doors of the interview room knowing that the last priest we caught would be in there. I have already terrorised the life out of Oscar from when Daniel and I caught him, so it was time for me to get some answers from Sam, figured Daniel had already interviewed the young priest, so it was the perfect time for me to have my own interview. Without informing Daniel or other officers about my arrival in the interview room, I walked inside and saw Sam sitting by a silver table. I shut the doors closed, then secretly pulled the door handles out and threw them far on the floor.

"Who the hell are you?" Sam questioned bravely, though I felt a pitch of anxiousness in his voice after he witnessed me pulling the door handles out like picking some grass out from the ground.

"Lucifer Morningstar" I introduced myself in a cold tone as I walked over to his side, "And you, Sammy-boy, got some explaining to do."

Straight away, my hands gripped the top of his shirt and swing his back against the steel wall and pinned him there. He cried, "Jesus man... What are you doing?"

"Who is the one pulling the strings, Sam?" I questioned, I felt him shiver shortly after hearing my dark voice.

"A priest! A priest, man... he's called Father Kinley" Sam answered quickly as he almost whined like a wounded puppy.

"And, where is he?" My dark voice grew louder.

"Lucifer!" I heard Daniel behind the locked doors while he and the other police were trying to open the door, Daniel continued shouting out, "Open the door!"

"Bloody hell" I huffed to myself in annoyance as I hated when someone interrupts my own personal business.

"Come on, Sam, I haven't got all night" I growled wickedly, unknowingly my eye glowing hellfire red.

When Sam saw my red eyes, he quickly began to shake uncontrollably out of horror, he started crying out loud, "Oh God! Please! Please, don't hurt me! I'll tell you anything!"

"Well, go on then" I encouraged, holding up a wide, cruel smile.

Sam screamed his answer, "He works at that church!"

"But where else?" I questioned Sam harder as my hands gripped tighter on his shirt, and push my fist harder on the top side of his chest. Sam could feel my wrath boiling hot behind the skin of my fingers which was sweating him more, I roared, "Where else could he be?"

"He asked for a meet-up! At an abandoned place! A museum! In Melrose Street!" He finally cried out the answer I needed to hear.

I finally let go of Sam and once he was dropped to the ground Sam crawled backgrounds away from me into the corner of the room. At the same time, Daniel managed to open the door and a few police officers arrived behind him with their hands on their sides ready to pull their guns out. I smiled black-hearted at crying Sam as I replied to Daniel, "No need to worry, Detective Douche. I got all the answers I need."

I passed through the officers and walked out of the interview room, however I don't believe Detective Douche was finished with me yet. He reached out his hand to grab my shoulder and pulled me around to face him, "Lucifer, what the hell were you thinking?"

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