Chapter 11: Brotherly Talk

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Chloe's Pov

I walked as fast as I could, never stopping, never looking back because how could I. I mean, how I could look at the face of the Devil again? I thought of looking back because there was a tiny part of me feels like the creature that I was walking away from is still the same man. The same Lucifer who I worked with for nearly three years, however I didn't want to reveal my tearful face to the monster, showing him how weak and vulnerable I was. Wondering away into the darkness and wondered off back into the streets of the L.A. However, that small part of me was angry, but not at lucifer but at myself. I didn't know I was so angry, kept thinking that I should stay and listen, but I allowed my dreadful fear of his monster side to consume me.

My feet were starting to get tired, fantastic really because I really wanted some rest from the walking and all of the rush that I have been through today. But, I didn't have any money to stay in a hotel room or somewhere. I couldn't go back to the police station just yet, because then I will have to face my fears again. I'll have to explain to Dan and Ella about everything, the priests and how this is all linked to Lucifer. Not to mention that I will have to see Pierce and confront his lies about being the world's first murderer and how he was using me. And what's worst, I could see Lucifer again and that will only ache and rise my fear inside of me, especially after I warned him to stay away from me, and after calling him a monster. How could I face Lucifer again after what has happened and after learning his true identity? I wanted to run as far away from all of this madness, but I didn't want to leave my family and friends, mostly my daughter.

Until my weary eyes were still awake, only to spot a familiar face ahead of me in the street. One gaze at Pierces' face and my entire body froze coldly again like when I first saw Lucifer earlier. Fortunately, there was quite a crowd in the long distance between us, as I hid my face away in the crowd or by the side of a building. U tried to keep my eyes away from having any contact with his eyes, however my stupid curiosity got the better of me. Shifting my head to head slightly as I view more of Pierce, seeing how he still wears a plain T-shirt with a dark jacket covering it. I noticed another man talking with Pierce, a bold head with a short beard on his rough face. Watching Pierce taking them off from the crowd, I couldn't hear them, but I knew the words coming from Pierces' mouth sounded serious and sharp. I didn't know why it felt very wrong, especially now I know that he was Cain, my twisted gut was making me theorise something dangerous.

I would usually do with investigating a suspect, my intelligence tells me to follow them. I slide past the walking crowd, but I carefully kept a long-distance far from Pierce. I followed them across the quiet road, they walked through a dark alleyway which brought back eerily memories of when those priests kidnapped me. I hid behind the sharp corner of the alleyway and waited for them to disappear around the corner on the other side. Once they were gone, I silently crept through the dark alleyway while I wished for having my gun by my side again. Finally, I reached the other side and more dark shadows welcome me through an unlocked door, releasing a cold chill to blow down my spine. However, I took small steps towards it, I heard tiny voices echoing from the inside of the building, or it could be the scared voices in my head screaming for me to turn around and run. The tip of my fingers gently touched the cold handle and felt some sharp warning striking through my fingertips, but I thoughtlessly ignored them.

Luckily, the door didn't squeal when I slowly widen the entrance then I entered inside a gloomy room painted with black shadows. The large room was covered with large, wooden boxes with historical objects inside. There was some light up ahead, but I crept behind the wooden boxes to hide so Pierce or that man won't spot me. Ducking my head underneath the height level of where those boxes stood, while my ears picked up listening heedfully to any sounds that may occur. Soon, the closer I crept around, the louder and clearer the voices were.

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