My Traumatic Past

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Have you ever gone through something very personal and very unusual?
Like something that truly traumatized you and made the world itself a scary place
We all have our own trauma and while some is more than another to each of us our personal trauma truly is a bother

(Verse 1)
We all have a traumatic past and try to forget it real fast
But if we forget then what's the point in regret?
And sometimes we just end up in a bad situation like death before graduation
Now I'm not trying to say that life is nothing but pain and strife
Because I believe many have eyed the knife but won't admit to hating life
I often think of Robin Williams and how his mind and general life spoke volumes
The man was so generous even though he felt just like this
Right now my brain is mush but through it I must push
Because this may seem like simple poetry but it's my own form of therapy
It's the only way I can heal so let's make a deal
I'll tell you about my traumatic past if you'll just use it to be less alone and find your own will to survive at last
What do you say? Would this be a game for us to play?

I've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
You've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
We've all got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
You see a trend here or do you have too much fear?
That's why I'm hear writing on this phone to let you know that you're not alone!
Because you know what?
I've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
You've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
We've all got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast

(Verse 2)
It all started long long ago in the distant past and even though I know the rest
I try not to speak too often on this but I'll continue to remain honest
Used to be bullied all through school and always been treated like a fool
They stole my backpack so I broke my toe trying to get it back
They goaded me into a fight and I nearly broke his nose and got suspended overnight
But we eventually became friends so I guess it really was all right to set trends
Not all that close but that's not the point I suppose
And it was all over a damn girl of course; sometimes humanity feels like a damn curse
But I guess we gotta keep on going for better or for worse
Because at the end of the day you know what I always like to say...

I've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
You've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
We've all got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
You see a trend here or do you have too much fear?
That's why I'm hear writing on this phone to let you know that you're not alone!
Because you know what?
I've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
You've got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast
We've all got a traumatic past that won't ever heal too fast

(Verse 3)
First girlfriend I ever had broke up with me over a sandwich; made me so sad
Second girlfriend I had made me stupid glad
I remember smiling like a damn fool thinking I was so damn cool
Then I learned that she cut herself and I was so worried about her health
I often spoke on my empathetic curse for better or for worse; whatever
Well this time it turned out to be worse and I learned how much it really hurts
Carved the word "LOVE" into my own arm as my very first act of self-harm
Was trying to show I cared about her in the most dangerous way I would dare
And oh how I wish I had never gone there and how she told me that was so unfair
Then I developed my own problem and more than once didn't know how to solve 'em
One day I had play practice but I had more upon my conscious
Got too damn depressed and tried to pop some pills like this
Literally felt my soul start leaving my body like I'm whole dead already
Felt the world start spinning around me as my soul start lifting quickly
I puked it up like I didn't give a fuck and I went home and wanted to be alone
Another time that I've never mentioned in any rhyme
I chugged a whole bottle of NyQuil just trying to feel and it was me I tried to kill
I just didn't know how to deal and for 2 days I had to heal

But I'm still here so there's never a reason to fear
Because you never have to be alone so long as you have internet on your phone
Any time of day or night is just right because time zones are a pure delight
There's no need to fight once you become a survivor in the night
Sorry I had to get so real but I needed you to know how I feel
My point is we all have our own trauma and it's more than simple drama
Never let anyone belittle you because you always know what's true!

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