Always Anxious

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Do you ever feel like you don't know what to say on any given day?
Some people even make you feel a certain way but why you couldn't say?
That might be some ugly anxiety reading it's head with the sole intent to see you dead
But forget every word left unsaid and love life with no regret
Use this song as your instrument when you're filled with self resentment
Use this song not only as spiritual attunement but also as a smile apartment
Let this song teach you how to love yourself since it's so damn good for your mental health

(Verse 1)
Yea I'm always anxious and socially awkward; wouldn't know what to say regardless
But I gotta keep trying this and chasing my dreams until I can prosper
Because I love to call myself insane and say I'm within the bounds of my sanity
Always saying crazy shit that turns out to be legit when you stop to think about it
So what else can I say when I'm constantly anxious every day?
Like why would you care about me when so many others wouldn't dare see me happy
And why should I seek therapy when my anxiety tells me nobody could possibly care for me
Much less care about me this anxiety can get fucking scary!!
When on the worst days you don't even wanna be here and you have to constantly fight fear
Did you ever wanna leave your body because you were so overwhelmed with anxiety?
Have you ever wanted to enter a coma just to escape the anxiety and life's anxious aroma?
Because I'm always fighting these emotions doing more than just going through the motions
I once wrote about how I stress out til I pass out and that's what anxiety is all about
Sometimes I write rhymes to help ease the anxiety that comes with being me
But I don't know how to treat this anxiety so I just pretend to be happy eternally refusing to pile my own problems to compound your own misery and break you down completely is one thing I refuse to ever do confidently

I'm always anxious and I wonder why am I like this?
I'm always anxious and consider becoming heartless
I'm always anxious and I wonder why am I like this?
I'm always anxious and think I'm so damn worthless
I'm always anxious and I wonder why am I like this?
Why am I always so anxious and in seek of being emotionless?
I'm always anxious and feel like I can't help this so one last time I'll ask you...
Why am I always anxious?

(Verse 2)
I'm always anxious but can't let that shit run my conscience
So I'm trying to be a man of brilliance and much more so one filled with elegance
This isn't my first but it might be my last chance so I won't give up under any circumstance
Sometimes I have no idea what to say so I just try the game dialogue and pretend to play
Life is a multiple choice game and I low key wanna chase the fame but who am I to blame?
But not for the reasons you think because I could care less about the parties in a blink
And I only want the popularity so I can reach more people in need of help with anxiety
So these days this song writing is basically my way of coping in my only ways
Don't even know what I'm saying anymore since communicating for me is such a chore
Sometimes something as simple as speaking puts me in tears literally as you are seeing
Communication can be overwhelming when you don't understand absolutely anything
Sometimes I just feel like I'm lost in my own mind and hate it when I feel so god damn blind
And anxiety keeps me from earning so many things that make me happy
But strangely enough if you won't call me a bluff I find this poetry to be my own form of therapy
It makes me feel just a tiny bit better when I form all these words together

I'm always anxious and I wonder why am I like this?
I'm always anxious and consider becoming heartless
I'm always anxious and I wonder why am I like this?
I'm always anxious and think I'm so damn worthless
I'm always anxious and I wonder why am I like this?
Why am I always so anxious and in seek of being emotionless?
I'm always anxious and feel like I can't help this so one last time I'll ask you...
Why am I always anxious?

(Verse 3)
In the past I've spoken on how much I feel like a social cancer but now I couldn't be happier
Sure we all have a bad day here and there but overall on the daily I truly have nothing to fear
So I have to just remind my brain to numb the pain and switch gears in my head removing fears
I always try to end these songs on happier notes that people be inspired to make quotes
So I might be anxious but look at how happy I am regardless
I might be anxious but look at all the smiles I've caused
Now I'm learning how to be a real hero and allow nobody on earth to feel like a real zero
All we can ever do is try our best so forget about the rest because we will win this conquest
And you have to remember your past so you can have the knowledge to pass your test
And to celebrate we can have a celebratory fest yes a fest for the ages within the nest for those truly blessed and we shall have a treasure chest so I'm sure at the end of the day you'll be impressed but only if you're a primary guest

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