Level Headed

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You ever just get tired of the life and don't know what to do anymore? Like why does each day gotta feel like such a chore and such a bore?
When you get to sipping and feel your mind get to slipping that's when it's all the more important.
To stay level headed and forget every moment you've ever regretted
This song is for those who forgot how to be level headed and appreciate what the life they been livin forever jaded

(Verse 1)
Sometimes this life is tough and you gotta call it's bluff when you say you've had enough
There's no specified end to your story so there's no logical reason for your worry
All I'm trying to say is you control your own life so wouldn't you rather eliminate strife?
Some days you love yourself others you hate your existence though it's bad for your health
You don't seem to care whether you live or die; give or cry; be honest or lie.
But other days when you don't wanna die and you don't wanna just get by
These days you feel like a king even though you can't really sing you try it for a fling
Like what if it's just anxiety holding me back and that anxiety is too damn wack
Then a week later all you can do is cry as you lay in bed wanting to die wondering why
And you forget how to be strong and feel like your every action is wrong
Sometimes it can make you feel crazy and really screw with you mentally
So lately I been diving into my poetic therapy seeking an answer to this for me
An answer to my misery and a way to once again value myself and be happy
And I realized there's no easy answer neither here nor there
There's only one possibility if you truly care to find a way to be happy

You gotta learn to be level headed even when you feel jaded
You gotta learn to keep your cool even when people act a fool
They might be deceitful and hurtful and make you feel worthless
But you've gotta smile and wave; be happy and lovely regardless
You gotta learn to be level headed even when you feel jaded
You gotta learn to keep your cool even when people act a fool
They might be deceitful and hurtful and make you feel worthless
But you've gotta smile and wave; be happy and lovely regardless

(Verse 2)
They might treat you unfairly but is it truly worth the misery?
Stop and think for a moment
The light shines on you just barely but it can make you happy
Stop and smile; You're brilliant
You've been through so much stuff and you're so tough; you're resilient
Don't really need to follow a single rule if you aren't merely a simple fool
And when I say fool I simply mean someone who is cruel
The bullies are the ones who live in misery and despise themself so quickly see?
That's why they hurt other people because they've been hurt by those deceitful
All I'm trying to say is at the end of the day we're all people and our spirits will become residual
So if you were to live like an immortal would you rather be happy or sad perpetual?
Learn to wear your heart on your sleeve because you're so damn strong best believe!
And your side? Nope I won't ever leave so like I said you had best believe!!
I write this damn song to help you become this damn strong
I like to say to believe in yourself because it's good for your mental health
You can overcome your depression if that's not such a simple question
You just need a future vision so I'll ask you to help me on my mission
Will you help me on this world without loneliness of which I envision?

You gotta learn to be level headed even when you feel jaded
You gotta learn to keep your cool even when people act a fool
They might be deceitful and hurtful and make you feel worthless
But you've gotta smile and wave; be happy and lovely regardless
You gotta learn to be level headed even when you feel jaded
You gotta learn to keep your cool even when people act a fool
They might be deceitful and hurtful and make you feel worthless
But you've gotta smile and wave; be happy and lovely regardless

(Verse 3)
All I've been trying to say here is that I know how scary it can be and it's never easy fighting fear
But if you'll just listen to these future memories of which I envision
Together we can make a future world of acceptance and happiness of pure bliss
And I'm not asking for your money or jars of honey
I'm not Winnie or a Pooh bear of your long lost memory
All I'm asking for is that you spread your own kindness like a disease so infectious
Because we can't do anything on our own and no one person should sit atop any throne
Let's make a society filled with many a happy hippie just here to live so freely
Can you help me seek a friendly society without a single bully?
Let's be accepting of all those around and allow the good times to abound
And if we discover someone who hates on their fellow we can just share our jello
Being silly because I'd love to see a world smiley and happy perpetually
So one final time on this one final rhyme.
Who's going to help me make the world happy?!

Emotional Trauma SucksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora