Always Keep Fighting

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You ever just start getting tired of life? All the pain and strife? Old thoughts of the knife?
Make them drift away as you learn to live another day isn't that what you seek to say?
When this all just becomes too much and you've feel that you've exhausted every crutch.
That's when it's the most important to always keep fighting and keep that midnight oil burning
Because just as surely as this world will always keep turning your thoughts will always keep churning
So if you've ever gotten to that point and felt like running away sit down think for a moment
And calm down, listen to these words I have chosen to speak so brazen
You're never alone my friend and together we will forge a brand new and different resilient end

(Verse 1)
We all eventually get to a point where we've just had enough but I'm here to call that bluff
You can act all tough and say whatever kinda hard guy stuff
But I know the truth and I don't even need the proof
You're absolutely terrified that your life won't change and the strife will derange
Your mental is merely a residual of the emotions felt deeper within the spiritual
Side of your heart because you knew right from the start that you would be torn apart
But you still kept trying even despite all their lying and all your crying
You never stopped believing in yourself because a ghost told you it was good for your health
But now you've hit your fucking limit and you're feeling fucking timid!
Well I'm back to remind you to keep fighting and keep striding
Because I'm filled with pride that you've survived to see this side
Now if you'll hang with me just a bit longer you'll become infinitely mentally stronger
Now hang on my brother and in just a bit more time you'll be stronger than any rhyme
There's only one way to get stronger in your mind and I'm sorry the world made you blind
But I don't mean that to be unkind because I'm simply here to remind...

You always need to keep fighting
Because it's the best method of surviving
So always keep fighting
Always keep fighting
I'll keep writing; my way of fighting
And I just want you to keep living
And I'd like to see us all start thriving
So I'll just say it again in thinking we can all win
You always need to keep fighting
Because it's the best method of surviving
So always keep fighting
Always keep fighting
I'll keep writing; my way of fighting
And I just want you to keep living
And I'd like to see us all start thriving

(Verse 2)
When you brain starts fighting against you and nobody seems to believe you speak only true
It starts to become a struggle just not to break down and let the whole world see you frown
Some nights heavy is the crown of social anxiety and I don't fuck around with the monster inside of me acting all fucking petty and hating me
Like don't I deserve to be happy? I was there fighting my fear and now I'm here with negativity
Like what the fuck happened to me? I guess it was chipped away piece by piece at my happy
Just little things that really got to me and over time I let it build up gradually
But I'm trying so hard to get back to where I was because I am so sick and tired of this numbness
It's fucking terrifying because I'm not even crying but I am forever fucking trying
I promised myself I wouldn't ever give up again not until the day I fucking win!
But that's all the more reason to treat any negative thoughts as guilty of high treason
Trying to carry out their devilish plots but I won't ever let them win; those dark thoughts
And this is why I stress the importance of mental health and seeking your own form of mental wealth
And this is why I guess even when I'm at my lowest I strive to encourage you to do this...

You always need to keep fighting
Because it's the best method of surviving
So always keep fighting
Always keep fighting
I'll keep writing; my way of fighting
And I just want you to keep living
And I'd like to see us all start thriving
So I'll just say it again in thinking we can all win
You always need to keep fighting
Because it's the best method of surviving
So always keep fighting
Always keep fighting
I'll keep writing; my way of fighting
And I just want you to keep living
And I'd like to see us all start thriving

(Verse 3)
Always keep fighting because I've been there and fought my own fear
And now I'm right here to show you a world clear
And if you wanna get here and learn to conquer your own fear there is but one thing you must acquire starting right here
Never give up on yourself or your hopes and dreams of your wealth
Be it mental or monetary just know you're not the only to find the future oh so scary
You're but one of many people who waded through enemies so deceitful and overly prideful
Just to come out on the other side feeling pure and filled with your pride
We could take all day talking about ourself but wouldn't you rather learn about their self?
What I'm trying to say is we need to try and focus less on the negativity and focus on the spirituality and how life is duality
The bad would cease to exist without the good and vice versa
The sad would cease to exist without the bad and I'm kinda...
Thinking it's nice to feel happy but we wouldn't know that without misery
So won't you listen to this story and how I'm thinking a thought simply
Maybe I can find the peace within me and actually be happy
If I just do what makes me happy like my own form of free therapy
So I'll keep writing poetry far as the eyes can see trying to show just what I can be

My friends all I'm trying to say is no matter how bad it gets and how much it hurts
We can't set the same trends so let's go out there and make a few friends
And I know society can be scary as hell but Rome wasn't built in a day and I wanna live life my own way
So even if it's for but a brief moment wouldn't you like to just one time feel briefly brilliant?
If only for a minute wouldn't you like to be happy for but an instant?
I'm so happy to be a failure because it's the reason I'm here
So just learn to appreciate every day and maybe you can in the process learn to be happy

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