Challenged By Society

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Have you ever felt challenged by society and felt like nobody would take pity?
Ever felt like such an outcast that your arm ended up in a cast?
We've all been challenged in our own ways. Some more than other days.
But we all continue to fight against this seemingly never ending plight
You should know that you don't have to fight alone and you don't have to live on your own.
You should know that everybody needs just one good friend before the end.
Even if only in spirit I will do my best to be that friend and hear it.
This is for those who feel challenged by society to the point they can no longer take it.

(Verse 1)
It's okay to be challenged by society and it's okay to feel lonely
We all get down sometimes and even the happiest of poets can frown writing some rhymes
You may feel challenged by society but it's okay to feel like me
Let me clarify on the reason I write and why
I've always felt alone like nobody understood me
So I have always been glued to my own little phone
Lost in my own world because I couldn't stand society
All through school I felt bullied until I became a bully
Then I was ever more lonely to the point I was seen more demonically
But if I speak honestly it felt good to see people fear me eventually
It was the worst coping mechanism but it seemed to shrink my problem
If people began to fear me then maybe I would no longer be the victim of a bully
We can try to change eventually but that doesn't erase whom we bully
We can cry each night perpetually but it won't ever change our history
Sometimes it seems to drive me crazy thinking of how I don't fit within this society...
And I guess you could say that I've always been....

Challenged by society
Feeling kinda crazy
With a mind so hazy
Never really understood this world
Always feel alone
Challenged by sobriety
Feeling kinda lazy
Been a problem for me
This feeling that I don't fit in this world
And how I've always been challenged
Challenged by society
Feeling kinda crazy
With a mind so hazy
Never really understood this world
Always feel alone
Challenged by sobriety
Feeling kinda lazy
Been a problem for me
This feeling that I don't fit in this world
And how I've always been challenged

(Verse 2)
So now you know a bit of my history but I still don't know his story
Or her story or anyone's story and that really makes me worry
How will I ever learn to understand if nobody is willing to take a stand?
I've been called a retard even when I work so hard
I've been told to shut up when speaking on topic which I care about
Lately I've started referring to myself as an alien because I don't seem to be human
Try my best but I'm still just a screw up like all the rest
Never really understood how to speak to people
Especially never understood why humans are deceitful
Even if it breaks my heart I'd rather just hear the truth from the start
I've always done my best to be honest even though it gets me in trouble
And I mean trying to understand how to speak has been difficult for my bubble
That safety bubble we all place ourselves within when our head starts to spin
But eventually we all come to a conclusion; we all come to the end
And just so there's no confusion on that message when I press send
I guess I should explain it again...

Challenged by society
Feeling kinda crazy
With a mind so hazy
Never really understood this world
Always feel alone
Challenged by sobriety
Feeling kinda lazy
Been a problem for me
This feeling that I don't fit in this world
And how I've always been challenged
Challenged by society
Feeling kinda crazy
With a mind so hazy
Never really understood this world
Always feel alone
Challenged by sobriety
Feeling kinda lazy
Been a problem for me
This feeling that I don't fit in this world
And how I've always been challenged

We're nearly done now I just wanted to take a moment to say wow
Maybe we don't always fit in with the "norms" but isn't that what makes us unique?
Isn't that what makes us special?
Isn't that what makes us individual?
Maybe we should embrace our differences.
Maybe it's okay if we're not princes' and princess's
Have you ever thought that maybe your difference could actually be your greatness?
Have you ever taken the chance to take an outside glance?
At what could be?
At what should be?
You were put here for a purpose so there's no need to fear a porpoise.
Just a little joke to lighten the mood sorry if that was rude.
To the porpoise obviously.
But anyway I guess you don't want this song to go all day so let's get back to working on our purpose.

(Verse 3)
If you've ever been challenged by society to the point it caused you vast amounts of misery...
I'm sorry
If you've ever felt lonely
I'm sorry
You don't have to fit in society in order to be worthy of a buddy
If you've ever felt like you didn't have a single friend...
I'm sorry
And if you ever had to worry...
I'm sorry
That's what I tend to say but sometimes it's not okay
Sometimes sorry won't be enough to fix our mistakes
And that's why we have to do whatever it takes
Try our best to make up for past mistakes
While knowing there's too many fakes
Too many fake apologies
Too many false analogies
Sometimes the lies overwhelm and I'm just like stop it please

If you don't understand people....
If you don't see the need to be deceitful...
Then you're not alone..
You're not alone.
For all the times I made you sad...
I'm sorry
For all the times I ever did bad...
I'm sorry
And for all the times that sorry wasn't enough...
I'm sorry...
But that's what life is. Living and learning.
Give and take. And bridges burning.
But no matter what happens we must keep living
And no matter what happens we must keep giving
Because when we give up on life...
When we stop giving...
That's when we've truly lost...

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