Chapter 2- Trouble

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Then everything went black....

Sometime later...

I open my eyes as it were blurry. Feeling my hands around that was behind my back. I was standing up. I look down at my feet and seen that I was bare foot and no longer wearing my sneakers. I pull my hands to tell I was on a post, with my hands in the most easiest knot. I turned my hand a little to get to work. I look around seeing I was in a camp, with huts. I see some boys singing and dancing around a fire. I freed myself soon after, but I don't move or run. I just stayed still.

"Your awake, oh goody." The boy said from earlier.

"Yea, and your a tree topper.." I smirk.

"I'm not that tall!" He shouts at me.

"Your kinda cute when your angry." I giggle.

"And your cute when your tied up and unable to defend yourself." He grins. As I roll my eyes and look down. He picks up my chin to face him.

"Oh and one little thing..." I say staring smirking at him.

"And what's that?" He smirks back.

"Don't underestimate me, I know lots of these knots...and how to get out of them." I kick him in the stomach and I ran far from him.

"Impressive...BOYS!" He demands as tons of boys start chasing me, including Felix. I ran faster picking up my pace as hard as I can. I jump in a branch of a tree that was over 5 feet in the air. I held on to it and swung my body around looping on it then continued climbing it. I climbed as far as I can as I look down all the boys were staring as he came from behind them. I waved my hand as a solider would, I did it to make him even more angry. I smirked as he more mad then ever.

"Come down or I will make you come down." He threatens me.

"Oh let me think about about NO!" I shout to him. By now I was over 15 feet in the air, that would hurt if I fell but I didn't wanna come down no matter what he did.

"Fine have it your way!" He shouts to me again.

But before I can respond, he shot a arrow to me. Missing me, I swung my body just in time to dodge it. He shot another one, again missing me. And another one came to me. I caught with my one hand as my body was hiding behind a the lump of the tree. All I hear is gasps.

"Maybe you throw the knife." I said in a sassy way.

"How did she do that? She's not normal." I hear one boy say.

"Get her down, I don't care how!" He demands. Boys came from all directions of the tree. They started throwing, arrows, rocks, knifes, and a bat with spikes. I dodge them all, then hearing something being thrown, a hit my shoulder, it hurt but not that bad. I looked down to see it was him. All the boys just stayed back from him. He then throw this plant like thing. Missing me completely.

"Once I get you down, I will put into a cage like a dog!" He shout to me as I just laughed.

"Key word...once! I'm never coming down!" I shout to him as I continued laughing.

"Fine! You'll starve!" He shouted again to me. He was right I will starve... I don't have a choice.

"I rather starve then come down!"

"Fine have it your way!"

"Pan, you can fly up there, and push her off, we can catch her!" A boy said, my eyes widen. Fly? Pan? What?! No way! I thought to myself.

"Yes, fly and Pan!" He said next to me, making me gasp. He pushes me as I came falling down. I screamed coming down. I close my eyes then felt hands on me. I look to see 4 boys holding me. They drop me, I stand but before I can run again, one kicked the back of my leg making me fall on my knees. Pan flew down to me, holding my chin to him.

"You are a pain in the ass, you will be put in a cage...DOG!" He shout to me then letting go of my chin. The boys tied my hands so tight, that there will be no way of moving or untieing the rope. I gasped on how tight it was. They dragged me, not allowing me to walk. Just dragged me. I forced myself up to my feet. Once I stood up I spun my leg around one boy, then using that boy to push off to get the other one. I landed back on my feet as two more boys remains standing. They started punching and swinging there knuckles. I dodged all of them. Pushing them to the ground he hit them both a good kick, knocking one out. As I turned around, someone punched my face as I fell down, it was Felix. I felt blood coming out of my mouth. My hands were still tied, he picked me up by my hands and punched me again, I see from a distance...Pan. Watching me as I was on the ground. Pan came to me as Felix backed away. He smiled leaning down to me as I laid on my stomach. He using a sharp object to let my hands go from the rope.

"Oh interesting, I never seen this happen." He said, glaring at me, he picks me up by my hands and holds me, he focused me to walk with him. I walked with him, not putting a fight. I walked as he walk to cages then that's when I fought. I kicked and kicked as he continued walking to them.

"Your not putting me in a cage!" I shouted. Focusing myself as sat down as I stopped waking, he continued to drag to me. He punched me in the face, as I dropped down back on my stomach. He opened the cage we stopped at. He turned around as he picks me back up and forces me inside. I kicked but just as I kicked he shut the cage door. He smiled as I continued to kick and I scream.

"Let me out!" I scream as he smiled at me.

"You won't get out of these, these are enchanted. Now be a good girl and be quiet!" He walked away ignoring me.

"Aghhh I hate you!" I screamed. I lost my breathe from screaming, I was so tired, I let my body loose as I fell asleep.

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