Chapter 3- The fight to get answers.

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I opened my eyes. It was blurry once again as I look around, and obviously I was in a dumb cage. I kicked the door of the cage once again as hard as I could. It wouldn't budge, I scrummed into a sitting and more comfortable position, I stare around. Nobody was in sight, I was in a the middle of a dumb forest. I stayed silent for a bit, then I heard some twigs snapping.

"She's awake, Pan." I hear Felix say as Pan walks up in front of him.

"No I'm not!" I shout out of sarcasm.

I give him a death glare of pure hatered. I rolled my eyes as he comes closer to me and smiles. His jade like eyes went between the cracks of the bamboo.

"Nice and cozy in there?" He asked sarcastically. He smiled.

"I hate you..." I respond then putting my knees up to my chest and my head on my knees. He spins the cage suddenly making me dizzy.

"Maniac!" Shout as he stops the spinning suddenly, I give him the more hateful look. He glared at me again.

"I said are you nice and cozy?" He repeated.

"I don't know PAN! It's hard as a rock, bamboo and I'm caged like a dog! I hate you!" I shout at him. He just laughed. I felt myself being dropped, he cut the rope I was hanging from...I hate him even more. I seen as the cage door was facing down. It was a square shaped so I couldn't roll it exactly. I hurt my ankle, bad. He then rolled the cage over as I was still inside. He opened the door with magic he has forcefully grabbed my arm. Pulling me up. My ankle hurt but I just walked it off.

"Hey don't worry, you'll will get to fight some of the boys...correction, you'll fight me." He grinned at me as I looked into his eyes.

"Are you up for that challenge or I can just put back into that cage..." he walks to my ear... dog!" I pushed him back from me.

"First of all! I'm not a dog, second of all I'm always up for a fight, third of all don't ever call me that again, fourth of all I am not scared of you like all these pathetic boys are!" I shout to him as he leans in close to me once again. I smirk as I didn't even wanna run. I was tired of being treated like like some bitch from this boy, Felix held my arms behind my back into a tight motion. I dropped as he trips over me, he catches himself from falling as he released his grip from me, he begins to walk back up to me as I walk up him, me and him stare at each other blankly, neither one of us laid low or moved. Pan watched and observed from a distance. I leaned into his ear and whispered.

"You don't have to hold me..." I pull back as I walk up to Pan as I can feel Felix stunned and he turned around and walked closely behind us.

We arrived at the camp, the boys watched me, some whistled at me in a cat call manner. I rolled my eyes. Pan glared at them as they came completely silent.

"I will only fight for one thing!" I said not letting go of my gaze to Pan.

"And what that?" He raised his eyebrow.

"If I give me answers on why I am here, why you know my name and who you are and them! And no magic!" I said with complete confidence.

"You have a deal but..." he didn't finish his sentence.

"And?" I asked impatiently.

"If I win, you will do what I say, and when I say it." I glared at his request. I nodded. He turns around to face Felix as he stands behind him holding two swords. He throws me one as I quickly catch it. He smiles as singles them to back up. I never let my eyes off the target. He tore the sword upward towards my hand. I spun it around as he pushes it back, I kicked myself into a backflip in the air to land behind him, I landed as I kicked his sword out of his hand making it land on a tree stomp. As he ran to his sword, I jumped on a log that was by a camp fire and just in time I grabbed the sword, spinning into a front flip and point it at him. He holds his hands up.

"There is no way you made it that easy..." I say but before I can move he pulls out a small knife and cuts my arm, slashing it. I groaned as I felt blood tickle down.

"Your right I didn't." He grins. I look to me arm a quick glance. I smile back at him.

"Nice, thanks for the tickle." I jumped back as my arms folded and I jumped into the air as I did I triple Arabian flip. I see him on the ground speechless as I landed I grab his knife out of his hand with my mouth, jumping back into a back flip a held both swords at him, leaving the knife in my mouth holding it like a rose as some did in the movie. Pan looked stunned as he clearly underestimated me. I smile at him.

"Nice to see that you're worthy... now how is that every cut, bruise, break, sprang, heal so fast?" He raises his eyebrow, I just stand there stunned and unable to did he find out? I thought to myself.

"Your not the one asking questions, I am!" I spoke as he drops his glare. I throw the weapons at the tree making the knife swing around one sword as it was stuck in the tree, then the other sword, I sung then hooked it on my belt.

"You know I think I wouldn't won that fight if I got to use magic." He suddenly says.

"Yea, I don't have magic like you! I have healing abilities!" I shout to him.

"A deal was a deal, let's go somewhere more private so we can talk there." He walks as I follow close behind him. We walk into a hut, I was guessing it was his. He closes the door using magic. I turned as for a second. But when I turned back he was so close that my head landed into his chest. I glare at him as I push him back.

"Ever head of personal space?" I rolled my eyes. He soon sat on the bed as he started explain my questions.

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