Chapter 9- Dirty sins

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But I never expected what happened next... he smiled as he had kissed my lips. He kisses so passionately as I didn't pull away. I smirk as his hands moved down to my ass gripping it. I moaned as his lips reached my sweet spot on my neck. "Oh Peter.." I moaned. He pulled back and himself from me. He shook his head.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked. He moved close to me. His eyes started to tear up.

"Do you love me?" He asked suddenly, I was speechless and didn't know what to say.

"Yes...I love you." I responded. He started to tear up more. I started to think he didn't love me back.

"Do you me back?" I asked nervously. He looked up at me.

"That's the problem, I love you too...I can't love you, you'll be in danger and used against me. You have to forget about me and go home." He said as I started to tear up.

"After all that dirty stuff you said to me, your just gonna make me forgot you? NO!" I shouted to him, I was so sad.

"Please I don't want you to forgot about me either...but I have to." He pulled me close as I refused to open my eyes, tears were coming down and stinging my eyes. He gripped my arm as he made my eyes open, once I started into his eyes I couldn't look away.

"Peter please don't do this. I'll hate you if you do this." I begged.

"It's better to hate me then love me." He said his words: "I love you forever baby, but you'll wake up in your bed, and you'll forget everything that happened before you met me and the memories that Adam and I being there." He said as I refused to blank as tears stung my eyes, but I wouldn't take it anymore I closed my eyes. Has he makes my drank a veil full of something.

Sometime later...

I opened my eyes, I was in my bed. I yarned as the alarm went off, I slammed my hand into it. I got up as I payed my feet to the ground. I got to walk downstairs. I went straight to the bathroom as I got ready for school, but I couldn't remember when I did go to school last time. I looked into the mirror and smiled. I went out of the bathroom then to the kitchen to make me something to eat. I grabbed eggs out of my refrigerator and some bread from my counter. I decided to make me a egg sandwich. Once I finished eating I got dressed. (The outfit above is the outfit). It looked good and I just grabbed my keys. And headed outside, I opened my car door and drove to school.

I got out of car and I had tons of people staring. I gave them 'stop staring at me' looks. They all looked away. One girl had came up to me.

"Hey did you know Adam is dead?" She said. I stared at her confused.

"Ok and good for him." I responded as I rolled my eyes. She came running up to me. I looked at her annoyed.

"Why are you following me?" I asked annoyed still.

"Well you dated Adam before he cheated on you." She responded, I looked at her confused.

"Are you on drugs or something? I have never known anyone named Adam." I said angrily. This other girl came up to me. She smirked at me.

"Awww cold feet? Sara?" She said. I walked away but as I did she gripped my hair and pulled me back. I grabbed her wrists and twisted them both breaking them, I kneed her in the stomach as she went to the ground in pain. And she began to cry.

"SARAFINA WOOD MCCLIN, my office NOW!" I heard the principle yelling at me. I walked to with him as I walked into his office.

"Your behavior is unacceptable, I should expel you but she touched you first so it was self defense. Go to class." He did I shrugged my shoulders.

Pan's POV:

I wanted to see her again, I'm gonna go to the school as someone else. I thought to myself. And my name can be Malcolm. I said as Felix came into my hut.

"Where is Sara?" Felix asked. I stared at him as I held back my tears.

"Back where she belongs, I'm not gonna be the lost boys. " I walked out of the tent after demanding him. I started to fly to her city. I landed as turned into a handsome young boy. I walked into the school and almost immediately got stared from girls. I just walked into the office.

"Hello, my name is Malcom and I now go to this school." I said as he nodded from my magic. I walked out and went into her first class.

Sarafina POV:

I saw someone boy walk into my class as the teacher just looked. Then he whispered something to her.

"Oh this is Malcom, and he's a new student here, Malcom just have a seat next to...let's see... Sarafina." He pointed his fingers at me as Malcom sat next to me.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I responded.

"Umm can you help me around the school?" He asked. I nodded and held out my seclude, it was the same as his. I looked at it in shook but I brushed it off.

"Looks like we have the same classes." He said, as I faked smiled and he smirked.

End of class...

I walked out Malcom followed.

"Hey, wanna help me out to me classes?" I stared as I rolled my eyes. Something felt off about him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Time skipped...

School was finally over. Malcom count up to me. He smiled as he just gave me a hug out of no where I pushed him away.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"Sorry I don't know you weren't a hugger." He said.

"Yea so hands off." I said, I walked away as I got into my car. He walked to me side of the window. He hit it gently as I rolled it down.

"What?!" I asked in frustration.

"Can you give me a lift to a shop I work at?" I rolled my eyes and nodded, as he walked to the then side I saw something strange, he was someone familiar in the reflection of my mirror. I got a fast flashback from everything as I locked my doors quickly. PAN...?

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