Chapter 13- I'm colder then ever

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I opened my eyes slightly to feel to warm breeze in my face and the sun into my eyes. I shot up and stretched myself. Looking around and being aware of my surroundings, I need to get Pan back. I held up my sword and got back on my feet and headed away. Cutting the branches away each step I took. Thinking about him made me so angry. I came across dream-shade and cut it down with my sword. Thinking if this was the most painful way to die why can't I just do it to myself? I mean Peter is just a low life asshole. I thought of it and gently picked up the plant. The thorns dripping of the sap. I stared at it thinking that I can just end my life right now and no one would care. I closed my eyes, flashing back to a memory of me and my parents with a strange magic force.

The memory ________________________________

"Mommy? Are we almost there?" I said.

"Oh sweetie, we have only left for 2 hours, we still have 10 hours to go. Sleep sweetie." My mother had said from the front seat. I put my head on the car seat.

"Kids grow up so fast don't they honey?" My mom said.

"Yea, but why this early? Why a girl?" My dad responded.

"Hey, honey, I know it was early but we have a healthy young baby girl. Why are you upset for a girl?" She asked him putting her hand on his shoulder and rubbing it gently.

"Because I wanted a boy, she wasn't meant to be here." He said coldly.

"You don't mean that." She said.

"I mean every word, I hate our daughter, can't we just leave her at a orphanage?" My dad stopped the car before my mother could respond and hit a hard object. Crushing our windshield. I began to cry in the back seat as glass was pouring inside the car. My mom with cuts on her body and as well as my dad. The car seat protecting me because of it face the front. Hitting the seat that I was on top on. I began to cry harder as I felt a strong pinch in my cheek.

"Sweetie?" My mom said. As my dad got out of the car to see that it was. My mom saw a tiny piece of glass in my cheek. And gently took it out and grabbed a tissue. She glared in confusion as a second later the wound was gone.

"How could that be?" She said quietly.

"Someone special." She said.

"Mommy?! What happened?" I cried.

"We will be ok? Ok? Sweetie just stay there." My mom came out of the car carefully and began to run to my side. My dad began to run away and called for help. My mom unbuckled me and grabbed me carefully.

"Sweetie don't tell daddy about the glass ok?" She asked me. I blinked.

"Ok mommy." I said.

Soon we harass sirens coming from a ambulance. And a car soon came up. It was my uncle who wasn't to fund of me either. Mommy always cared.

"Get in. The dad stays out for a minute." He said as my mom carried me in the car. She say me on her lap. He stayed quiet as my dad stayed outside when the ambulance got there. When they did my dad was talking to them, eventually they let us go home with my uncle. My uncle shot glares at me. I looked at him and frowned. I didn't understand why he hated me so much and my dad. I fell asleep and waited for us to get home. Soon after we finally reached home. Instead of going on the trip. My mom grabbed me from his car and carried me inside. My dad following behind.

"She can stay here, I'm gonna take you out to lunch. My brother will drive us." My dad said coldly.

"You can't just leave her here alone! She's only 6! We are not leaving her here alone." My mom yelled as my dad angry.

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