Part 20: Silence is all i have.

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Jungkook  pov

She is dead. 

Then door started banging. I got up. It was a dream. It was Dream. I cried it's not reality. I walk to the door and saw Tae and Jim standing,looking worried and panic. 

Tae= Kook,are you fine? What happened why were you not opening the door ? What happened?

Jungkook= Nothing,i was sleeping.

They sighed and nodded. 

Jimin= Come have your breakfast. 

Jungkook= Its morning already. Did any information came. 

They shook their head. We went down. I saw Jennie talking on mobile. I walked to her. I stand their till she disconnect the call. When she does she thrown her mobile on the couch. 

Jennie= No, information. ( we both sighed)

Y/n pov

After walking from rooms to rooms. Fighting,killing  and escaping. We reached. All the mafia were there. With my mafias on my sides. They noticed and stood up. 

EM = enemy Mafia

EM1= So, you made it till here,huh?( He laughed followed by others)

Y/n= to kill you I can reach anywhere.( I raised my gun up and pointing him)

EM2= Ohh, easy woman,easy.(they again laughed)

I chuckled harshly.

Y/n= seems like you are all eagerly waiting for my gun to shoot you till death. 

EM1= Oh really? First look behind.

Y/n= why not They come in front of me. This much fear. Well,I like it.(this time I laughed)

Choi= Oh,look MAFIA QUEEN is here.( he laughed)

I started firing. I killed EM1 immediately. When they saw this. Only gun shot can be heard in this building. For 3 hours we keep on fighting. I got injured not badly but my left hand is bleeding. I keep on fighting so my team. After almost more 4 hours. I catched Choi. 

Y/n= What happened Choi? Mafia Queen is here to meet you personally and you are running and fighting.( I grab his neck and deepen my grip)

Choi= Leave me,I can't breathe. Leave.( I tighten and tighten,he died)

Now, everyone is dead leaving my team. I walk to Evan. We both did a friendly hug. 

Evan = we did it. 

I nodded. 

Evan= Let's move from here and let me call them to say we won and are safe but injuries are there.

I again nodded. Evan dialed  Jennie. I didn't heard much but I can feel they shouted in happiness. I smiled to myself when heard Jungkook's voice Asking about me. Evan looked at me and smile before giving me the mobile.


Y/n= Hello. 

Jungkook= Hello( stutter)Are you fine?safe? When will you come?do we come to pick you? I heard you are injured? Is it bad? We call ambulance? Or you want me to come there? Tell me why are you quite? Hello Y/n say something. 

Y/n= If you let me speak?  I am fine and safe. I am coming. No,you don't have to come. You heard correct I am injured. It is not that bad. No,don't call ambulance. No,don't come here. Is it okay now?

Jungkook=(red cheeks) Yeah,I am waiting. 

Without listening,he disconnected. I laughed knowing he will be red by now. I gave his phone back and we reached down. I saw everyone on the entrance waiting for me. 

MAFIA QUEEN'S OBSESSIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora