Chapter 3- Museum of Medieval Western Europe Torture Devices - Mizuiyama Sachi

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After being separated from Kirigiri and the others for a few hours, Mizuiyama arrived at the 'Museum of Medieval Western Europe Torture Devices'. It was close to sunset and out of nowhere came the siren, telling the children it was time to go home.

The museum stands alone on the hillside of a newly developed residential area.

This building used to be a university's repository. About 20 years ago, students held exhibitions of materials on college festivals, where professional and amateur researchers from all over the country were said to have gathered. In view of this, the university decided to open the building to the public as a museum.

However, after 6 months of initial success, the number of visitors dwindled and the building returned to its original dark and gloomy state in the blink of an eye. Not only that, the population around the building started to increase due to land development, and the residents, for no apparent reason, complained about the building and, in their words, felt uncomfortable at the thought of having a place nearby where torture devices were on display—

In recent years, the building was remodeled into a modern style, but this remodeling did not have much effect, and the museum was eventually closed, in large part because the university that funded it went bankrupt financially and was forced to change its legal entity. As for what happened to the building after it closed, few of the local residents knew anything about it. The gloomy building was gradually overshadowed by a more peaceful scene, and no one paid any attention to it since.

Mizuiyama used to visit the 'Museum of Medieval Western Europe Torture Devices' when it was being renovated, not to see the exhibits, but to see the building. It was remodeled by a famous architect, and for Mizuiyama, it was one of the places she liked to visit for future references.

The impression of the building is unchanged from that time, with almost all of the exterior walls made of glass, a standard modern style appearance, and a square structure without any superfluous. However, there are almost no right-angled parts on the surface of the building, which is made of curved surfaces. It must've been an attempt to mitigate the eerie feeling of the building as much as possible. Although it's an imitation of Gaudi's style, the special- order glass must have costed a lot of budget, perhaps enough to be included in the legacy of the Bubble Economy.

Mizuiyama got off the taxi in front of the building, and was first taken aback by the sight of people coming and going. The museum is supposed to be closed, why are so many people gathered here? She soon realized that these people are not ordinary visitors.

Some men in suits, a group of people carrying camera equipment, a team wearing jackets with police logos.

It seemed that she is a step too late.

Mizuiyama pretended to be a relevant person and walked into the building as if nothing had happened. And despite everyone around was staring at her intently, no one came up to stop her. It didn't look like a cordon had been set up here either.

As soon as she stepped inside the building, she was surrounded by a chilly air. A distinctive chill that Mizuiyama believed was an intentional result of the building's construction.

"Ah, sorry to bother you."

A man standing by the reception desk in the foyer stopped her. "What is it?"

Mizuiyama pretended not to know anything and asked back. "Are you here to visit? I'm sorry, this place is closed now..." The man has a university pass hanging around his neck. "What happened?"

"Uhh... there has been a little problem..." "A little problem?"

Mizuiyama walked over to the man, the tip of her straw sandals tripped on the floor, and she flung herself forward to the ground. The fall was so bad that she landed on the floor in a wide slump and her glasses flew off and landed near the man's feet.

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