Chapter 11- Part 3 Daily life

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Why did the perpetrator take Kirigiri instead of killing her?

They must have taken her as a hostage. They wants to negotiate by using her as a trump card against me, the summoned detective.

It's very likely that Kirigiri has solved the mystery of the locked room and revealed the crime of the perpetrator. The so-called 'Ultimate Locked Room' should not have been a problem for her at all. The cornered perpetrator changed their plan to use the hostage to threaten me out of the game.

I don't know how the perpetrator subdued Kirigiri Kyōko... but since they were dragging such a big burden as a hostage, a vehicle was essential when he moved. Most kidnappers would use a car, especially if the kidnapping target is a minor, there are few cases where the crime was carried out in the car throughout.

However, this time, since the perpetrator stole the car of a third party, it should be because it was impossible for them to stay in the car for a long time. They abandoned the car as soon as possible and moved to a safe place.

A safe place—?

The crime was not intended to be a kidnapping, so there must not have been any special hiding spot prepared.

So is it the criminal's own home?

No, in this case, the detective could easily think of going to the criminal's home, so it's not safe for them there. According to criminal psychology, they should've found a place that the detectives cannot think of as a hiding spot.

Like a mountain hut in some secluded place? How could that be found...

I checked the time on my cell phone, it's past 1 PM. 48 hours have passed since the 'Black Challenge' began, and there are about 119 hours left.

In some cases, the perpetrator is with the hostage for a long time, so it becomes difficult to commit the crime alone, and they would need help.

From the criminal's point of view, the 'get help' mentality is probably as strong as the 'find a safe place' one, right?

Who would they ask for help?

If I'm the criminal— there is only one person I can go to in this situation.

Ryūzōji Gekka!

Ryūzōji's castle– That place can guarantee safety. I remember that all the criminals caught by Lico are also temporarily being held there, and it's the only place that could guarantee both security and secrecy.

A very suitable place for a decisive battle. "Lico, maybe Kirigiri-chan..."

"The car is ready."

Lico stretched out a hand and pointed to the driveway in front of the school gate.

There is a black limousine parked there. What an excellent detective assistant. "Hurry up to Ryūzōji-san's castle!" "Understood."

Lico opened the back seat door, escorted me into the car, and sat himself in the driver's seat.

"Eh, you drive?"

"I promise to drive safely."

Lico started the car in a smooth motion.

My daily life quickly became a landscape that disappeared in the rearview mirror.

As we got closer to Ryūzōji's detective office, the snow began falling more and more, and the scenery outside the car window became pure white. The oncoming cars turned on their headlights, and in that light, snowflakes shone like peonies.

The car stopped in front of the brick archway marking the private property of Ryūzōji Gekka.

"What's wrong, Lico?" "Something is strange."

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