Chapter 2- Part 2 'Goodbye' BAR - Yaki Hajiki

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"I'll be right there, hold on!" Yaki turned around and gave Ōba a glance. "Take me to the store, hurry up!"

"R-right, this way!"

Ōba ran.

"You come along too!"

Yaki beckoned to Arai and yelled, he was puzzled, but he still followed behind them.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Yaki said loudly to the phone. "Don't hang up, stay on hold!"

The group ran through the labyrinth-like roads with Ōba leading the way.

The small alley is much dimmer than the main road outside. The pipes clinging on the walls of the buildings looks like unidentified species of plants, making it feel eerie. It's no longer a labyrinth, but a jungle at night. If you stumble into this place by mistake, you might not be able to get out again.

Yaki followed Ōba while calling 110 with his phone. Although he wanted to avoid dealing with the police as much as possible, since the person on the other end of the phone asked him to do so, there is nothing else he could do. If he forgets to call the police, he can imagine the difficult situation he will be in afterwards.

He roughly explained to the police that a man in the business district is calling for help, and then hung up the phone. The police should be confused now.

Ōba stopped. "Right here."

The door is located at a halfway point where it's difficult to tell where the building stood from one end to the other. A pitch-black door without any decoration seems even murkier in the darkness, filled with a sense of tranquility, as if the surrounding sounds are also sucked in.

Yaki twisted the doorknob without hesitation.

However, the door was locked and could not be opened. "Hey, can you hear me?"

He banged the door hard and shouted.

"You're the one knocking on the door? How are you so fast...?" The person on the other end of the phone responded.

"Don't worry about the little things. Are you okay?" "Yeah... I'm fine at the moment except that I can't move."

The person on the other end of the phone may have regained consciousness slowly. Originally, his speech was slurred, but now he has recovered a lot.

It seems that Yaki is finally one step ahead of the organization. The no emotions little pipsqueak detective said that he should not pursue the criminal, but as long as they take precautions, there is no problem. by now Yaki is sure he will win the MVP award.

"I'll open the door right away, you just wait. The key!" Yaki turned around and yelled at Arai.

Arai took out a set of keys from his pocket, and there were countless keys hanging on the key ring. The keys are each marked with a number, but finding the 'Goodbye' key from it seems like a lot of work.

"Why didn't you prepare it in advance? You fuckin' idiot."

"I'm sorry... umm, umm." Arai was even more flustered by his prodding. "I found it! It should be this one."

Yaki grabbed the key from the side and inserted it into the keyhole.

The key turned.

It's the correct one.

Yaki pushed the door open and rushed in first. "Uuuu... ughhh..."

A dull moan came from somewhere.

It was the man on the other end of the phone.

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