Cpt 3- Pt 2 Museum of Medieval Western Europe Torture Devices - Mizuiyama Sachi

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Mizuiyama was looking forward to understanding this issue through this incident. It's also true that she chose this place from several options out of some curiosity. This time, she is not originally responsible for solving the case, as long as she collects information, even if she harbors selfish interests such as an academic interest and curiosity, no one would say anything to her.

However, when she actually faced the case, she felt that this case has nothing to do with the high spirits. The fact that the crime scene is in a hut far from the museum is the first thing that upset her, the museum played a supporting role. Also, the victim was caught in a fire, which gave her an incongruous impression. Since the 'Iron Maiden' was chosen as the murder weapon, why was the victim burned to death?

Of course, there are still many things unclear. Maybe the fire was just to create association with things like burning at the stake. If there is no performance of this level, it would be meaningless to choose this place as the scene of the crime.

There is not enough information at the moment, let's investigate further.

Mizuiyama temporarily left the building and went to the prefabricated hut that was said to be the site of the fire.

She crossed the narrow path paved with fine sand and came to the courtyard behind the museum.

There, Mizuiyama witnessed a fascinating thing.

The center of the broad courtyard is slightly raised to form a small hillside. It seems that the original plan was to build a fine courtyard like a snazzy art museum with artworks, but in the end it did not work out as planned. The empty courtyard has changed little from the last time she was here, and now there is only a teal- colored, withered lawn covered with a thin layer of snow.

However, in the courtyard that is supposed to be empty, there is a unique work of art standing alone.

Was it recently used?

Mizuiyama pushed her glasses and looked intently. She fell on her way up the hill.

Undaunted, she stood up, adjusted the position of her glasses, and approached the artwork in question.

Taking a closer look, she immediately understood. It's the 'Iron Maiden'.

A blackened Iron Maiden is standing at the highest point on the hill where snow remained.

It seems that this incident isn't unrelated to the committee.

Mizuiyama is well aware of the behavior of the Crime Victims' Relief Committee. The strange murder scene, the strange method, and the puzzling phenomenon are undoubtedly among the contents of the challenge letter.

Several lines of footprints were left next to the 'Iron Maiden', probably left by investigators involved. Mizuiyama continued to approach the object, adding her own footprints to the other ones.

It's about 20 meters away from the entrance of the courtyard, and there is nothing in the surrounding area that obstructs the view, which makes the 'Iron Maiden' particularly eye-catching.

But something is wrong.

It's a little different from what Mizuiyama imagined.

Generally speaking, when it comes to the 'Iron Maiden', as its name suggests, it's made in the likeness of a young girl, and is more like a pear in shape. After putting a person in, the person will be completely covered by the 'Iron Maiden' from head to toe.

However, the girl in front of her has no part above her neck.

In other words, a headless 'Iron Maiden'.

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