Chapter 11- Part 6- Daily Life

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"Just now, Ryūzōji Gekka announced Yui-onēsama's victory, so let's accept his words with gratitude."

Kirigiri said with her arms crossed. "Hey, wait, I haven't accepted it yet." Tsutsumi said, waving his bound arms. "You..."

I approached him with disgust.

"Licorne— can you hear me?"

Suddenly, the video that was interrupted started playing again. We were taken aback and looked at the monitor again.

"No, I should call you Mikagami Rei. You have helped me a lot in the past six months, thank you. Through this game, I can see that you have undoubted strength, and a detective at your level should have already understood my dying wish."

I looked at Lico.

Lico opened his arms and shrugged.

"I've come to terms with my own death, but there's one more thing I can't take care of, and that is the castle I live in. When I'm gone, the children here will have nowhere to go, and those who seek redemption will be the same. So I want to ask you one thing, can you inherit the Ryūzōji name and take the position of the castle lord here?"

Ryūzōji's eyes looked straight at Lico through the screen.

Lico is still the same as usual, I can't tell what he is thinking from his expression, he is just staring at the monitor.

I see—

Could it be that this is the real purpose of this game?

As a detective, he gained status and fame, but the only thing he didn't get was a successor who could inherit his aspirations.

Maybe this game also has the purpose of choosing a successor. Of course, people like me weren't even counted among the candidates, so it's more accurate to say that this is Lico's final test, or Mikagami Rei to be precise.

If it is Lico, he should be qualified to sit in this position, maybe he will become a detective who surpasses Ryūzōji Gekka.

There is a follow-up to Ryūzōji's last words.

"There are two envelopes in the cabinet, a black envelope and a white envelope. The white envelope contains documents about inheriting the Ryūzōji name and the entire castle. If you choose it, you will become the castle lord. The black envelope contains your Crime Victims' Relief Committee's wanted letter. In short, it's a document that identifies you as an enemy of the committee if you choose it."

Standing beside the cabinet, Kirigiri pulled open the drawer and took out two envelopes. Just like what Ryūzōji showed us in the recording, there are two envelopes, white and black.

Kirigiri placed the two envelopes side by side on Ryūzōji's body.

"My last will is the same as I just said, but I don't intend to force you to accept it. It's your freedom to choose which side you want. Make a choice after a careful consideration. The path chosen by a detective like you may be enough to change the whole world. It's a pity that it's impossible for me to live in the world you chose.

Now then— I wish you good luck in your struggles."

Ryūzōji's expression was the same as that of his remains, as if everything that had to be done had been done, he stopped recording.

Lico looked down at the two envelopes. White is the Ryūzōji name and this castle— Black is becoming the committee's enemy— "What are you going to do, Lico?" Kirigiri asked.

"Well—, that person really left an interesting question in the end..."

At this moment, the door behind us opened, and the children in the castle rushed into the room at once. There are about a dozen of them.

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