Chapter 3 Part 4- Everlasting White

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Kirigiri and I started cutting the ice pillar with the chain that connects us.

It was easier to do than when I was doing it with Kadomi. Since it is a collaborative work, it's probably easier to work with someone you are comfortable with. Although reluctant, I gradually began to enjoy this work.

"Yūhain-san, are you okay...? Are you still alive?" "He is still breathing."

"Even so... it's so cold..."

"You will gradually warm up if you keep moving your body like this."

"It's going to be spring soon."

"Cherry blossoms... I wonder if we will see it." "Are you fond of it?"

"No, I have hardly ever seen it, because I'm abroad most of the time."

"Let's see it together this year."

"We can see it... together?"

"Yep, and we can go to the beach too. We can put on yukatas together at the summer festival..."

"It would be nice if there won't be incidents where we will go." Kirigiri said with a faint smile.

This must be her own style of joke, Kirigiri-chan and me enjoying seasonal events without being involved in cases. A daily life that feels so much fun just imagining it— so fun that I want to cry.

We kept cutting the ice pillar with the chain for a while after that. The results are visible, and now part of the column has begun to have a zigzag gap.

However, continuing to pull on this heavy chain consumes a considerable amount of physical strength.

"Kirigiri-chan, are you alright?"


There is clearly no spirit in the voice. I stopped pulling on the chain.

"Let's take some rest."

Kirigiri nodded and put the chain down. Just then, Yūhain woke up, supported his body and got up from the ground, looking around in disbelief.

"How many days have passed?" "About an hour or so, are you okay?"

"O-oh... I had a bad dream. It brought back memories of when I failed at my job and almost died."

"If you kept sleeping like that, you might've frozen to death." "Thankfully you woke me up before that happened."

But I didn't wake you up– never mind. "Let's take a break for a while."

"O-oh. I'm also not feeling well, so I'll take a break." Yūhain staggered towards his room.

Kirigiri and I collected the food on the floor and moved it to my room. Maybe it's because of the cold and heavy physical labor that I'm exhausted.

It's impossible for us to continue in such a severe situation for 6 more days, we must solve this case as soon as possible.

But somewhere in my heart I'm praying. Praying that the end will not come.

Looking out the window, it's still snowing. Even if we are freed from the handcuffs, it's dangerous to walk back in the snow, just like The Ghost Mountain Cottage. We are imprisoned and cannot go anywhere.

Kirigiri repeatedly twisted the handle of the window lock up and down.

"The handles are very loose; it's the same in any room."

"Are you still thinking about the locked room mystery? Why don't you have a little rest?"

I said in surprise, she ignored my words and suddenly opened the window. Snow blew in immediately.

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