Chapter 1 Part 5 The last Enemy

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Guided by the man, we made our way to the nearby park.

There were plenty of chances to escape, and he never looked back at me even once along the way, nor did he show any sign of keeping an eye on me. Was it because he is so sure that I wouldn't do anything.

In fact, I did not dare to take any action. In front of me was his defenseless back, but I could only meekly follow him.

He must have seen through me anyway, how else could I react to the unexpected appearance of the evil's head, I did my best just to keep my nerves from panicking.

We sat side by side on the benches under the eaves of a gazebo. On the opposite side, I can see the slide, where the mother and son are still playing.

"Once again... I haven't seen you since we parted at the Norman's Hotel." the man said with a smile. "The detective auction. It was one of my favorite techniques. It was quite the tour de force, the charm of it was that it meshed organically with the game's setting."

He said pleasantly. There is nothing worthy of mention in his appearance. He has the face of a man in his thirties that can be seen everywhere. His body does not show any striking features. His demeanor is like air, and his voice is as soft as the rustling of the woods.

Is this also a disguise?

Or, is this the true face of Shinsen Mikado.

And could this be— the very top of the Crime Victims' Relief Committee that's against us.

"What do you want from me?"

I said, trying to stay calm and tit-for-tat.

I am now sitting on a bench side by side with Shinsen.

What kind of meaning is hidden in this strange and harsh, thin ice situation.

And yet, he eased the tense atmosphere with a steady smile.

"Your tone is exactly the same as Kirigiri Kyōko, maybe it's becoming more and more similar because you have been together for a long time."

"She is your target, right?"

"—Yes, you're not wrong, but you're probably misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding...? You've done so many horrible things to her, and yet you still say it's a misunderstanding?"

"I have no intention of laying excuses. It is true that I made excessive demands on Kirigiri Kyōko. However, it is precisely because she possesses enough power to change the world that I did that. You can't deny it either, right?"

The power to change the world—

I don't know if it's right to conclude that, but her abilities are indeed different. Her power can bring the truth distorted by impossible crimes back to its original form, perhaps this can indeed be said to be a power enough to change the world.

"Even if that's the case... why are you so obsessed with her?"

"This part is what you're misunderstanding.

"I am not obsessed with Kyoko Kirigiri."


"Your expression is unexpected. It seems that you really did misunderstand me."

"What misunderstandings... Are you going to claim righteousness now? Or are you going to start telling me about your tragic past?

No matter what you've been through, what you've done to her is unforgivable!"

I couldn't control my emotions and let out my voice.

"You're finally starting to be you. As a detective, you should be more honest about your feelings."

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