Chapter 1 Part 6 The last Enemy

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"Right now, Kirigiri Kyōko is transforming into a detective qualified to become a savior. However— it's not enough, there are times when she doesn't follow logic through to the end."

"Isn't that par for the course! She's only a 13-year-old kid, isn't she?"

"Talent has nothing to do with age. If it goes on like this, she will miss the opportunity to make a decision at critical moments. In order to solve the case, she must give up all her emotions."

What Shinsen said reminded me of the family motto of the Kirigiri family.

'Detective work comes first, even over the death of a family member.'

So, in order to live as a detective, you have to give up the human part of yourself?

If so– who is the detective trying to help? Why does a detective exist?

"Okay, you can almost understand the current situation. For Kirigiri Kyōko, the last piece she lacks– is you. Only after Kirigiri Kyōko identifies you as a perpetrator will the ultimate detective be born."

I am the last piece.

Can she give up all her emotions, follow logic, and identify my crime...

"This is my request to you. Please let her become perfect. If this continues, she will usher in her own destruction before saving the future. This is also to prevent things from developing to the point where she depends on your help."

"You think I'll listen to your nonsense?"

"Yes, you'll listen, as long as it's for her own good." "—for her own good?"

"If you refuse to participate in the 'Black Challenge', our organization will get rid of Kirigiri Kyōko."


"Everything has been arranged. After eliminating her, the plan will start from scratch, except there won't be much time left... The result may lead to the destruction of the world."

It doesn't matter if the world is destroyed or not.

My choice will determine whether Kirigiri Kyōko will be killed—

I was too simple minded, even if they don't kidnap Kirigiri, they can still hold her as a hostage.

That's right, she is now a hostage.

Is that why they chose me?

Chose someone like me who couldn't successfully rescue a hostage in the past...

A cry for help resounded in the back of his mind.

I looked left and right around the empty park, looking for her who couldn't possibly be here.

"You don't seem to have made up your mind yet." Shinsen turned his calm face to me and said. "That's for sure."

I looked down for answers.

No matter how much I want to help Kirigiri, I cannot be a part of their crime.

But if I don't listen to them, Kirigiri will be killed.

Revenge is indeed my purpose in life. I will never let go of my sister's murderer, and one day I will avenge her with my own hands– this has always been my wish.

They will set everything up for me, and they will help me kill the one I hate the most, completing my revenge. And at the same time, Kirigiri Kyōko will be saved. For me, this is the same as saving my sister who I was not able to save before.

It's an irreproachable plan.

I shuddered at the thought that the man with the calm smile next to me is the one who conceived this entire plan so far. Someone

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